As I Am The Actor Of My Life

Life is the movie that I see through my own unique eyes.  It makes little difference what is happening out there.  It is how I take it that counts.

I have to know exactly who I am.  I have to be very clear on why I am here.  I have to know my role.  I have to know what my missions are.

To be good with the movie that I am in, I have to become aware of all my responsibility.  And I have to own all that responsibilities and to take full responsibility.

I have to brush up my existence through cleaning and erasing what have been the past.  The past is no longer serving me. The present is.

I have to clean the 90 per cent of my memories that come from my ancestors and I have to clean and erase what I have been accumulating these memories for countless lives.

As I am acting up the scripts of the movies, I must ask Divinity to help me to clean and erase the memories in my subconscious mind to find the Divinity within myself.

There will always be stuffs coming up, appearing before me. When they appear, I have to take 100 per cent responsibility and without guilt, and simply clean and let go.

As I am acting in my movie, I have to be conscious.  I who look outside, dream.  I who look inside, shall wake up.  There is nobody out there.

Peace begins with me.  When I let go of all my worldly expectations and struggles, I change deeply.

When I let go of all the realistic in life and surrender to Divinity, peace shall prevail.

I have to look at my anger, shame, frustrations, unhappiness whatever these feelings arise.  I have to own them and to ask questions about how they come into my reality.

To own that feelings and to ask them the questions, I am taking 100 per cent responsibility for everything that's happening to me.

The spirit of a beautiful soul belongs to the genius of life.  I have to embrace at all of life's idiosyncracy and not to shoot blame at any of it.  

The mind cannot understand love because it has nothing to do with thinking.  Without self realization, there's no self love.

Without self love, I cannot love anyone else.  By not accepting this truth, I am only deceiving myself and deceiving others.

Life's fulfillment finds constant contradictions in its path.  I have to give that fulfillment.  I have to understand its contradictions.

Everything happen for good reasons. I can only make it better when I take full responsibility to make it better.  

The process to clean and erase all the memories that are stored in all the atoms in my body will give rise my partnership with God.  This is how I am planning for my miracle.

I love you.
I am sorry.
Phrase forgive me.
Thank you.

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