Life Loves Me
Life comes in fragments. That's how God presents it so that all the experiences will not be overwhelming.
But the experiences are for me to determine, not by the circumstances of my life. And in all these experiences that come, I have to be very still. I have to allow them to take place in my life without any resistance whatsoever.
To resist is to persist.
These experiences come in fragment so that I can see them. So that I can spend more time to talk to them. To clean them. To make things right again.
It is God's presence for me to born rich again. To keep only the best and discard the rest. It is a simple way to lessen my load on my luggage moving forward in life.
Everything happen for good reasons. When life comes in fragment, I have more opportunity to take full responsibility. I have more opportunity to take charge. I have more opportunity to love and experience love.
Life loves me.
God loves me.
The only task I have to do is to clean and erase my errors. I simply have to do that for a right Divine life to happen.
I love God and I miss 'home'. But this missing feeling is only a mind paradigm. Home is anywhere and everywhere. Because, I am a child of God.
But this child, of who I am, is constantly changing in the house of humanity. Every moment, every year, I am a different person.
So, my thinking is different. My wish is different. My problems are different. How could then that an answer to life be the same year after year.
The purpose of life, in each breath of every moment, is to be restored back to love, moment by moment. To fulfill this purpose, I have to acknowledge that I am fully responsible for creating my life the way it is.
I have to feel that it is my thoughts that create my life the way it is, moment by moment. I am what I think.
My intellect knows nothing. Even if I tell myself that I know, I actually do not know.
Love is for my soul, not for they intellect. A loving person lives in a loving world. A hostile person lives in a hostile world.
The simplest way to live is that I deal not with a problem but with the feelings I experience. As I acknowledge every feeling, I clean and erase what is within me.
I am letting go and to let Divinity do what's best for me. Intentions are limitations but Divine inspirations are decisions of the Divine.
I can choose not I shouldn't decide. Divinity decides.
I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.