Zero Limits

I have to be a believer that love starts from within me.  I must love myself before I love another.

I have to give in order to receive.  There is no other choice when I want to be in partnership with God. It can be money, physical, emotional or spiritual efforts.  It is when I give that I receive something in return.  

Everything that is given first comes back multiplied.

Everything comes from only ONE source.  This very source knows exactly what is needed, how and when I need it.

This source is the zero state.  Zero is that emptiness, or void, where no thoughts, no beliefs, no data can exist.  Zero is the background witness of life that can allow inspiration to reach me from the Source.

In this House of humanity, in all the breaths that I take for granted, I have to prove that I appreciate and value what I am looking for.  I have to be aware and always be willing to invest and trust.

By accepting myself and joyfully being what I can be and what I am, I fulfill my own abilities.  The first thing that I might want to invest here, is to unblock all the past energies and memories so that I can attract more of the big dreams I want by forgiving for anything throughout my entire life.  Most importantly, to forgive myself.

When I can be with the Source, my simple presence with others, in the House of Humanity, shall be the light the lights life. That lights love. That lights compassion.

I attract everything in life based on my unconscious beliefs, not from the consciousness of intent.  When things happen, it is the attraction from the unconscious beliefs and most time, I do not even know what is in my unconscious mind.

It is crucial that I live with trust, with faith, with compassion and with love.  These are the things that will light my unconscious mind.  These are the things that will not make me to lose in this game, called Life.

With simplicity and when I can simplify everything in Life, I make my existence less complicated.  I will make less demands.  I should make less demands.  

It is what I think I know what is good for me, what I want to attract, when and how much that I sacrifice my true identity, my true being.

It has gone too long for things in my life to be taken seriously all the time.  When Life is only about living and accepting.  About surrendering and not to doubt, not to blame.

When there is an acceptance that I am a light that I spark all darkness.  With light, there is always a way.  There is always hope.

When I am open to take full responsibility to anything and everything in my life and my ways of live that the Divine shall conspire with me.

When there is great appreciation for Divinity within me that I can fully take heart.  

What I think I know, I really do not know.  Most time, I do not have a clue about what is right and perfect for me.  I have to trust that I am guided and that I am protected.

Thinking is a burden.  I have to stop thinking.  I have to stop worrying.  I should remain open to all possibilities.

When I want to be free, it's got to be me.  I must have the vision to see my potential and faith to believe what I see.  I must have the courage to act with conviction, to become what God meant me to be.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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