A Spark of God

Dear ONE, it is within my power to serve You, or not to serve You.  You are my source, you are my Universe. You are my creator.

Serving You, I add to my own good and the good of the whole world. Of the Universe that is providing me. Of the creation that is ever full of beauty, creation and abundance.

Not serving You, I forfeit my own good and deprive the world of that good, which are in my power to create.

There's God within me. I am a spark of God.

I have to take care of myself just as I am taking good care of my Creator. If I am not doing it, nobody will do it for me.

I must not deny myself to further discover who I am. I am the I. There's more to me than I ever know.

When I do that, I evolve and I shall feel the inner freedom.

No one can relieve me of my sufferings but only me. No one can teach me of accepting and acceptance but only me.

Should I want anything and everything, it has to be me.  I have to surround myself with only the best. With only to what I want. To all the positive of thoughts, of words, of deeds and of actions.

I must mean all that I say and do.  It must not be just a breath but a lifetime commitment.

This is the reality. This is something that I have to swallow and be humble. This is the lesson that I have to recognise and learn.

When I feel the world is unjust toward me, that I am the only good and honest person on earth, that all the others take advantage of me, and I always feel like a victim, all the doors to opportunities and all the doors to Life will continue to close.

Life may seem unfair. I may think that people owe me.  I may see others as ungrateful and wrong.

All these beliefs keep me in a state of resentment and submerged in feelings of arrogance.

People come into my life to give me chances.  The people I live with, they people I work with, the people I interact with .. these are the people with whom I can see more of me and who come to give me opportunity to learn, reflect and clean.

All sorts of things occur to help me that would never otherwise have occurred.  A whole stream of events have significant meaning to why it is happening with me.  My judgment of then will not help.  I have to be more than to pass judgment.

I have to take charge. I have to take responsibility. I have to stop blaming.

I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

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