Be At Zero
Be at zero. It's a place of love, of joy, of peace. It is the place that I shall see that everything comes from only one source.
It is this source that knows exactly what I need and when I need it.
When I can totally clean and erase all of my past beliefs, my past stubborn intellect and rationality, my ego demands, I can be at zero.
It is at this place that all my thoughts shall break their bonds. My mind shall transcend limitations. My consciousness shall expand in every directions.
I shall walk the talk and no longer that I will only complain about things and everything. It is a place where I will fall in love with everything and not choose to love only selected things.
I will find myself in a new great and wonderful world. Where dormant forces becomes alive and I shall discover myself to be a greater person that I ever dreamed myself to be.
I have to love myself enough to be at zero. It is here that I can be with one with the source.
Being with God is being with inner peace. Being with my inner child is reaching out to be forgiven.
I have to mean to all that I think about. To all that I say and speak out. I cannot, and must not, do one thing and mean or say another thing.
My intention has to be clear. Confusing my intention with my actions is not of Divine inspiration. It is the ego demands on action.
I have to understand my pride and let it go. Then, I will receive humbleness.
I have to understand my unhappiness and to let it go away. Then, I will be in a state of happiness.
I have to understand my fears and let them melt away. Then, I will understand love.
I have to understand my addictions and attachments and have them go away. Then, I will have the wings to fly to enjoy my freedom.
For all these to happen, I must be in love with everything. At the same time, I reach for Divinity's Hands to ask for help.
Only when I am willing to ask for help that help will be there for me. The Universe cannot intervene if I choose to be arrogant and proud. Only when I surrender that I am an imperfect being that help is constantly available.
I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.