To Live My Life

I have to be inspired to just go about with my life.  I have to live my life.  I have to do what's useful.

Everything is for who I am.  But this 'who am I' has to be from zero, the source that I come from.

I have, however, constantly be one hundred percent responsible for everything that is happening with me and for everything that is around me.  I have to take full responsibility for what's going on emotionally in my lives.

I must stop blaming others and the world.  Life is the movie that I see through my own unique eyes.

It makes little difference what's happening out there.  It is how I take full responsibility that counts.

Peace begins with me. I have to feel it and should I do not feel it, I will always find it in wrong places.

There is no sense in attempting to change external conditions.  There is nothing out there, outside of me.

I must first change my inner beliefs, from the zero state with the zero limits, then all my outer conditions change accordingly.

My live goes by in my mind. The war is inside my head and only I can return the peace.

God is always watching!

Peace begins with me.  I must find that peace through the wisdom of my words, my thoughts, my deeds and my actions.

These words, thoughts, deeds and actions have to one.  Nothing must be in conflict to get to the peace.

I shall imbue myself in the pillar of the peace.  Let peace be beyond all understandings. Let love be beyond all understandings.  Let wisdom be beyond all understandings.

I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

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