Taking Responsilibity

The purpose of life is to be restored back to love, moment by moment.  To fulfill this purpose, I have to take over hundred percent responsibility for creating my life the way it is.

I have to see and realize that it is my words, my thoughts, my deeds and my actions that create my life the way it is, moment to moment.

The problem that I face in life does not exist outside of me. The problem is not out there but a reflection of my thoughts, my words, my deeds and my actions.

I have to acknowledge all these.  I create life from my perception.  Should I want a beautiful life, I have to be at zero. I have to have a new way of thinking. New way of saying things. New way of doing things. New way of feeling things.

With Divine inspirations, there are so much to use of nature's ways.  They are with me always, available to be always.

But I will not know them should I always insist that I know everything. That I think I know everything.

Dear God, I want to let go of all that I think I know.

Let me forgive myself.
Let me be truth to my words, my thoughts, my deeds and my actions.

I have to love everything because they are part of my life.  By loving them, I am helping erase, clean and clear the memories activated in all our lives.

Everyday is an opportunity. Everyday presents itself the gifts of life, the presents from Divinity.

I have to be aware of everything that I think of. I have to learn my lessons and moved on with my purpose.

I have to give in order to receive. There is no other choice. Everything that I want to give, from my heart and it has to be unconditional, comes back multiplied.

When I am free of data - in all my thoughts, my beliefs, my way of thinking of all that I think I know it all, my programming - I am available to receive inspirations from the Divine.

My goal is to live to erase, clean and clear, moment to moment.

My goal is to have peace that begins with me.  That the peace will be beyond all understandings.

I goal is to experience and empower love.  That this love is beyond all understandings.

I have to prove that I appreciate and value what I am looking for.  I have to be willing to invest and trust.

I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

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