Again And Again

Life is what I make it.  When I choose to see only the bad things, I will continue to see the bad things.  When I choose to think that life is hard, it will be hard indeed.  I have to be aware of my thinking mind.  I should not have a mindset that works against me.  I have to take charge to be positive and think positive.

All self created problems in life are the result of my expectations not met.  I have to reduce them should I do not want to feel the lousy miserable feelings again and again.  Instead of looking at problems as problems, I have to shift my paradigm.  I have to look at them as lessons that I need to learn to turn me into a better individual.

In order for this paradigm shift to be effective, I have to accept the problems.  Running away or to sweep them under the carpet is not the good way.  It will be helpful should I ask these questions.  Why are they happening to me?  What are attracting them to keep popping up?  Am I the source of the problem?

Life is too precious and I should stop being negative about everything.  When I take problems as lessons, I am motivating my life.  A good life is not build in a day and I have to work on it.  There is always something good to live for.  

My expectations have to be realistic.  I have to know my limitations and realize what I can and cannot control.  I have to cut off the negative sources that feed me.  

I should not be too hung up on what I don't have, can't have or won't have.  I have to live my life for me, not to please expectations.  My mind has to have that rational perspective.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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