The Price Is Right
When there are people who are disappointed, who are angry and upset with me, this is where that I have to realize about my imperfections. This is the right time for me to take full responsibility to own and realize it. This is the time that I have to take charge to look within. This is when life's real lessons kick into high gear.
Such animosity has nothing to do with them but it is about the big lack off that is missing in my personality. Obviously, my attitude and character are questionable.
I should be thankful that these people, for all the differences, are crossing into my path so that I can wake up. Everything has reasons.
All beings that are in front of me are godsend. They appear so that I can learn about myself. They come to let me to realize about my limitations. They are the earthly divine angels to make me to be a better person. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
The common element with everything that happens in my life is Me. Everything comes down to Me. I have to be the best version of myself to be a happy person. I have to be accepting and accept the differences.
I may ask 'Is Life a series of events caused by chance?'. While there might be many answers to that, it will not matter if I continue to blame on everything else but Me. When there is no love inside of me, there shall be none outside.
Everything has a price and every price is right. I have to remember that life happens for me and not to me.
When there are people that do not like me, I have to open my mind to the necessity of making good for my soul. I have to find the purity in the man in the mirror.
For now, please forgive me. I am sorry. I thank you. Thank you, thank you, thank you.