The State Of Being

Thank you to Louise L Hay, I get to learn on my general health.  Her wisdom teaches me that I have to take charge and be responsible for my well being.  In her book, 'You Can Heal Your Life', it educates on the health impact from wrongful thinking.  

My thoughts, namely the negative ones, create all my physical discomforts and ill health.  They manifest into all kind of sickness to my physical body.  Everything grows from the seeds of thoughts that I plant in my head.

All health problems - be it cancer, diabetes, fever, migraine, pains, skin diseases, vertigo and the list goes on - have to do with the process of the mind.  It has to do with the lack in self esteem, self concept, self worth and self love.  No, it is not about narcissism.  It has nothing to do with vanity or arrogance or being stuck-up, for that is not love.

How I think, the process of my mind, determines the state of my being.  When I think negative, I become negative.  When I think of hate, I become hateful. The mental emotions from the ways I think translate them into sickness.  Instead, when I inject joy, peace and love, I release all stress and be healthy.  

My mind - the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical - affects all the cells in my body.  All my thoughts influence my health.  The cells integrate to the inner beliefs of my mind.  Should I keep instilling fear, my cells shall live with fear.  Fear manifests itself into all kinds of health problems.

I have to forgive myself where I limit my growth.  I have to forgive myself for not being positive.  I have to forgive myself for my senseless intellect.  I have to forgive myself for all the negative emotions and thinking processes.  I have to forgive myself to live with stress.

I have to task myself to seek and find all the barriers within myself that I have built against it.  When I break the barrier, I get to keep the good health.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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