Don't Worry, Be Happy

It is very easy to tell myself to be happy and not to worry.  To accept things as they come but it can be a little hard to do it.  At times, it can be a little painful to surrender to the works of the Divine and let life flows with the flow.  

I need to accept life for what it is and learn to have trust and faith.  I should not resist the flow of life.  I have to embrace it and get myself to open to things that come.  

I have to acknowledge my reality. Sometimes facing reality is not the easiest thing but accepting the situation can make me be happier.  

Understanding, accepting and embracing reality is practical and purposeful.  Failing to connect with reality breeds unnecessary worries and not getting me to be happy.  It is important that I own any outcomes, the bad and the good.  For everything that is to happen has its own good reasons.

Repetition is the mother of all learning.  It is good that I keep reminding myself to be strong, to be happy and not to allow fear to get in my way.  These repetitive inner voices will help me.  They are good coping mechanism to make me be a better individual.

A life of consistent peace and to live happily is possible.  The people that are the happiest and fulfilled are also the ones who had faced extra ordinary challenges.  I should cultivate a good psyche with huge sense of gratitude and peace.  

I have to remind myself, repetitively, that life is what happens when I create it.

I create my own pain.  I create my own happiness.  I create my peace.  The ideas I have about how things should be only exist in my head.  I have to accept, believe and surrender.  

Accepting reality as it is, is not about being weak or giving up.  Accepting things as they are allows me to move away from the mindset that enslaves me.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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