Hold My Judgement

When I pass judgement is like I am holding a gun and start shooting at others.  My words to judge others are the bullets.  They will definitely injure another or could even kill.  Nothing in life causes more pain and suffering than the judgements that I hold about and against others.

I need to learn to hold my judgement and, at best, to keep my judgement to myself.  I should not be a loose cannon.  Being judgemental blocks my spiritual growth.  Every time I choose to judge others, I am forgetting about their true stories, about their frustrations and their pains.

In reality, all humans are struggling.  What good am I trying to achieve should I judge them without knowing their stories?  Am I better than them?  If yes, how much better?

Most judgement is destructive.  When I judge others from my negative perspective, I am doing it to  make myself better.  What I do not realize is that I lack empathy.  That, my ego is bigger than my soul.

Should I think deep, every time I judge others, it is usually about my weakest or that I most dislike about myself.  When I see the flaws on others, I am denying the same flaws exist in me.  What I do not realize, when I judge others, I do not define them but myself.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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