Flying High

I have dreams.  I make wishes.  There are days that I want a better life.  There are days that I desire to fly high and make everything to come true.  While I am happy being me, it is good that I set new heights in life.  I have to set my sight on a destination that I can reach.

It is said that life without dreams is like a bird with a broken wing.  It is good to dream high, beyond the sky and to keep my vision bright.  I must dare myself to learn.  I am the only one who can help myself to grow in life.

But, before I start to fly high, I have to ground myself.  Flying starts from the ground.  The more grounded I am, the higher I fly.  I have to inspire my mind to scale high and to let go any limited self beliefs.  I have to delete and erase the negativity.

And, when I am flying high, I have to remember my origin.  I may get lucky and stay in the sky forever, flying higher and further.  But, I need to realize not to buy in a superficial reality.  

For it has an expiration date.  I have to know there are possibilities that I can fall.  The higher I fly, the harder my fall can be.  

Everything has a purpose, everything is a lesson.  I have to hold on to my heart and life will give me wings.  I cannot fly should my wings are holding the baggage of yesterday.  While I fly, I have to have my heart on the ground.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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