Angels Among Us

Yesterday, I was sharing about my dream in some group chat.  

Some friends reached out and comforted me.  I felt loved and I felt blessed that some Angels were sent to me.  They gave me beautiful insights to remind me how to live.  These Angels touched my soul and I was reminded, in good ways, to acknowledge and accept my bleeding heart.  I was guided on how to live and how to find the strength moving forward.

I feel blessed to be surrounded with good people.  Their vast experience, good wisdom and learned knowledge provide me with good life lessons.  They are the comforters and the healers.  'Thank You' will not be good enough to express my deepest gratitude to them.  

I pray that my prayers for them are answered, that they shall be blessed always.  Oh God, please bless all these good people, please.

At the same time, yesterday reminded me that I have many faults.  I make mistakes repeatedly.  I keep doing silly things.  I am trapped in a vicious cycle.  Don't I have any respect for life and others, I wonder?  Am I not worthy to be forgiven?

Yesterday, the dream and the Angels, they reminded me about God's love too.  Though I have to learn to stop all my wrong doings, God continues to give me chances.  I wonder, how long more do I deserve with the grace of God?  

How much longer before I realize on my shortcomings and have them changed?  Why am I not learning, all these years, even the simplest thing?

Why do I continually live in the destructive trap of my errors, knowing deep down there is more to life?  Am I stuck at seeing myself in a broken mirror that gives me a false perception of myself?  Don't I have any idea how to get out of that?  Don't I have any shame on myself?

I have to find the wisdom to partner with God.  I have to find His words to remove my ugly behaviours.

But, at the core, am I ready to look into the mirror of truth?

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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