Get A Grip

In whatever that I do, it is important that I get a grip on myself.  I ought to have a conscious effort to control the emotions, thought process or my behaviour.  As much I should express myself freely, there has to be a limit.  

I have to flow with the situation and humanely fit myself with the environment I am in.  Hopefully the divine wisdom will guide me and let me know the difference.

Ignoring them has consequences.  It is good that I am able to distinguish the real from the imagined.  I need to differentiate between externally derived perceptions and what is my internal derived thoughts.

When I am conscious of what I am doing, I will be divinely guided.  I will be doing from a soul level and not from my intellectual mind.  The language of the soul is love.  I have to get a grip to minimize my egoistical mind, the intellect, from over reacting.

As Rumi says, 'when you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy'.  That is exactly what I must achieve when interacting with others.  

The soul speaks from the truth and when I can be honest, everything falls beautifully in place.  The soul will give me a feeling of great pleasure and happiness.

To live with the truth can bring me great joy.  I will discover an eternal spring of joyous tranquillity.  Truth is the bridge between me and everything there is in life.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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