All Farts Smell - or is it only mine?
Should I go by the principle 'when I point a finger at someone, there are three fingers point back', I should accept that, yes! only my fart smells. This acceptance should wake me up. I have to own this realization. I should take full responsibility. And, I should fully be watchful that the smell does not affect others. My duty is that I must be aware of what I am doing. I must take charge not to impose on others.
I have to learn to be sensitive. I have to learn to love the fool in me. I must not fight but accept all my imperfections. Any struggles are futile but God's love is constant.
I have to learn to know. Then, when I know, I have to learn to know better. Perhaps, by then, I will also be able to do better. That is what kindness is too.
I have to, continuously, make me a better person with a good soul. After all, the most important value of Life is the happiness of the soul, not anything outside of it.
To God, I love You and "Thank You" for accepting me with all my imperfections.