
What would life be should anything and everything around me is called with only one name?  With only a single distinct meaningful element?  Perhaps, there shall be no differences and there shall be no dissimilarities?
That, anything and everything out from God's creations here on Mother Eearth bear only one word?  That, anything and everything that evolve on these creations are solidified with only one energy?  That, all these creations (and including me) can fully understand the purpose why we are created?

Can it beautiful, and will it be amazing, if anything and everything is just called 'LOVE'?

While duality is created for me to experience my existence, there need be some form of code to tie all together. There ought to be a quality to balance all things out. Just while most arguments are a battle of egos, my mind has to be both a good teacher and also a good learner.  I must not allow myself to be boastful ignorance.

The knowledge I learn today must teach me to become humble and not to be used as a power to influence the lives of others.  LOVE is a form of belonging, of camaraderie and inter-connectedness that solidifies relationships.

Let the divine silver rod raise my soul to be a better human.

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