Goodbye 2012
Dear ONE,
As I sit and surround myself in Your gold circle, as I reach out to Your Divine Hand, as I surrender in Your presence .. as today is the last day of a blessed year You have embraced me in Your Divine Light, in Your Divine Love and in Your Divine Wisdom .. I thank You.
Your gift for giving me a magnificent experience where I have to look inside me, within me and everything me has brought many tears. The tears of joy. The tears of Love. The tears of realization. The tears of repentance.
It is in all Your nudges, in Your voice, in Your touch that made me to come to terms that I am not my thoughts. I am not my emotions. I am not my feelings.
I am above that. I am not my body. I am, indeed, a soul that was created from a seed of Love, of Light.
I am not a problem. It is my programs, my DNA that create it.
Today, as I sit longer to reflect, I am allowing the feeling of Love to surface in my body. I must feel it coming into awareness and in my being.
It is this love that I must feel that connects me to the Divine. I have to feel it by allowing it.
Dear ONE, and before I move forward to another year, please please please forgive me for all my errors in my thoughts, in my words, in my deeds and in my actions.
Please please please forgive me for anything and everything that I have been surrounding myself with. With everything that I am accumulating. With everything that I am creating. With everything that I am accepting.
I love You.
I love You.
I love You.
A thing is complete when You can let it be.
Here, as I end my year and greet another, I surrender.
How much do I take charge of my thoughts? My words? My deeds? My actions?
It is often said that words are cheap. It is the walk the talk that is sacred to every step taken in life.
It is the talk that talks that holds wonderful things to happen.
The imagined world is as solid as the real world. And so does all inanimate objects is life too. Everything is alive. Everything evolves. Everything is love.
The only connection between me and all of these things is the connection of my intent. And this intent starts with me and for my well being.
From here I may be inspired but let it come from divine inspiration, not the intent of ego.
A human being is a single BEing. Unique and unrepeatable.
I am a member, a soul of a vast cosmic orchestra, in which each living instrument is essential to the complementary and harmonious playing of the whole.
To be effective in that role, I must commit to become zero. I must have the desire to be zero. To be at zero.
Dear ONE, YOU are the best that ever happened to me. I love You. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank You.