Repetition Is Mother Of Change

Dear ONE,

Very often that I drown myself with repeating the mantra.  The four phrases, those special and magical words.

In doing it, it is my desire that I must and that I have to take full responsibility of anything and everything and is in me and around me.

When I say those phrases, I am telling myself to stop to blame others.

When I say those phrases, I am reaching to the Divine's Hand so that I am converting my problems, my programs into opportunities. Into divine inspirations.

The reason that I want to do it is because I want to be dissatisfied with the status quo. I want to focus on where I want to go, instead of where I am coming from.

When I say 'I am sorry', it is that I am sorry that I have been unconscious off my own beliefs of my negativity, of my past memories.

When I say 'please forgive me', it is my repentance for not being aware, for not being alert in a conscious, responsible way to how I have actually not helping that creation of problem I am perceiving.

When I say 'I love you', there is this desire and realization that I want to merge back into the essence of Life.  I want to merge with the Divine and my devotion to the Divine.

When I say 'Thank You' which I should because that is the way Life is.  That there must be gratitude for anything and everything that is happening with and around me.  It is like a spiritual combination lock that opens up the feelings within so that I can release them.

It is these mantras that the Divine, that God, will continually showers the fullness of His grace on my being in the universe.

Thank you, dear ONE to embrace me in your divinity. I love you. I am sorry and please forgive me.

Life requires that we observe.  Just look and watch next time when a problem arises. Just stand aside and look at the problem. Is it really there? Or have I created it?

Look deeply into it and I'll see that it is the program in my thought that is playing out.

That is the life that is still full of programs.  But the more I recognise and own that life can be a freedom, from programs, I can soon let go of many things.

When I let go, I let go of attachments to, addiction to, or need for the result.

But letting go requires faith. It requires trust. It requires that the intention will manifest but in its own time and place.  Or that something even better will come along to replace it.

Letting go is to let go of any question of how to make it happen.

Dear ONE, as I let the dew drops to drop upon me, I wash away my attachment.   When it is washed away, I humbly reach out to Your Divine's Hand.

It is this connection that I seek.  It is this Life that I am inspired.  It is this Love that will make me to be useful.

I love You. I love You. I love You.

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