The Divine Opportunities

I am a member of a vast cosmic orchestra.  I am a little instrument but am essential to the complementary and harmonious playing of the whole.

I am a human being. Created by the Divine singularly, unique in its own ways and unrepeatable.

I need a process to be the purpose.  I need to process the process to engine life.

And I need to be full of clarity to do it.  Clarity is the most important asset of my life.

Dear ONE, but I come into life with programming.  I don't come into this world a blank slate.

Dear ONE, You promise me divine inspiration. I desire to clean. I desire to erase. I desire to be at zero.

Dear ONE, yes! It is necessary that I empty out the old to make room for the new to enter.

Open the door for me as I reach for your Divine's Hand. I love You. I love You. I love You.

I forgive myself for all the thoughts, the words, the deeds and the actions that I placed against myself.  

I love me. I thank myself. I am sorry. I must love myself and would love myself no matter what.

I must be rest satisfied with doing well and leave others to talk of me as they will.

I must ask myself, "have I learned lessons only of those who admired me and were tender with me, and stood aside for me?"

I must also ask myself, "have I not learned great lessons from those who braced themselves against me and disputed the passage with me?"

For all that take place, for all the people that are my mirror, these are the very thing that must give myself with divine inspiration to make me to know myself.  The "I".

These are the divine opportunities, the measure for my mental health.  The disposition to find good everywhere.

For life is good.  So is the Divine.  So is the "I".

Let me be inspired.
Let me be in blessing.
Let me be at zero.

I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.

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