Intellect Is Limited
Do I know where I am going to?
Do I like the things that life is showing me?
Thing is, I don't have to know. I may hope and request for it but I must not insist that it has to be the way I want it to be.
Only the Divine knows. The Divine will place what is right for me.
All that I need to know, all that I will get what I am hoping for is to become aware that I am here to live a beautiful life and to know that it is a beautiful life. In all its multi dimensions, in its richness, in all its variety.
My intellect is limited. I have to know that. Though my intellect thinks it knows but it does not. It knows because of all the replayed memories that have been replaying again and again.
Should my intellect knows, I would probably already living in a castle and have explored all possibilities available.
If my intellect knows, it will not burden me with choices for it should have served me for what is right.
For all hopes to realize, I must surrender. But, what am I hoping for? Do I know?
Life is either a daring adventure or nothing. The difference is whether it is done with intention or from a divine inspiration?
Your presence is to raise me up. You have come into my consciousness to light my awareness.
Thank You for whispering into me this very wise wake-up message. "It is very difficult to know what is right for ourselves. How can we possibly know what is right for others?"
Your presence invites me to let go of past programmings that, essentially, create these mental bugs, forgiving any and all past doings to find love and acceptance in this moment.
It is to help me get clear so that I can awaken to the moment.
Every issue belief or attitude or assumption is precisely the issue that stands between me and my relationship to another human being. And between me and myself.
Truth would say "in truth, I already have everything including love". I only have to give my permission to receive it to be able to experience it.
I love you. I am sorry and please forgive me for what I am creating and attracting that is not love.
I reach for Your Divinity's Hand. Thank You!