Every Day Is A Good Day

Everyday is a good day for a good day. It is and will be a good day when I stop procrastinating.

Only when my heartful and mindful is clear that I won't think but just do.  If I have to think, then I have opposing beliefs wrestling in my heart and in my mind.

One wants it one way; another wants it another way.  I must not resist.  That will only create pain.

Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

The ideal is to be so clear that the inspiration is there and the nudge for actions follow.  

Yes, the difference between Divinity and ego can be a tough call.  All analysis is paralysed to the heart and mind. Analysis is paralysis.

The problem is never the problem. The problem is how I react to the problem.

The universe is always perfect and all situations that come up in my live are blessings in disguise.  It is how I want to see it.

There's a spark of God in all humanity.  Collectively, when this spark comes together, this world is a better place.

I must, therefore, not to accept humanity otherwise. I have to live to accept the spark, nothing less.

Yes, I live in a belief driven world.  Whatever I believe will work. It will get me through the day and it will frame my experiences into perceptions that make sense to me.

It is humanity that is dangerous; it is what I think about it that is.

I am definitely one hundred percent responsible for what I decide to believe and for the choices I make, both consciously and unconsciously.

The spark of God within makes all possible.  If I say I can, I can.  If I say I cannot, I cannot.

I must love the spark of God within.  Not only of my own but to the rest of humanity.  Without the love for the spark of God in me, I cannot love anyone else.

By not accepting this truth, I am deceiving myself and deceiving others.

When I fully accept the spark of God in all humanity, I am allowing nothing to hamper me or hold me up in any way.

I love you.
I love you.
I love you.

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