Let Love Be Love
Today I shall empower to live in the true language of 'make it simple'. I shall and must not complicate my existence.
I must be like a very small joyous child loving gloriously in the ever present Now. Without a single worry or concern about even the next moment of time.
I who think I know what is good for me and make list of what I want to attract, when and how much actually, in reality, I don't have a clue about what is right and perfect for me.
I should make it simple. I should live and go confidently in the direction of my dreams and live the life I have imagined.
As I simplify my life, the laws of the universe will be simpler. Solitude will not be solitude. Poverty will not be poverty. Nor weakness weakness.
I must find the source within me and this source has to be Love. Whatever that I think, that I say, that I do and that I act must be from this Love source and nothing else.
When it is simple, when it is Love, the Divine intelligence conspires. Just like all the natural beauty of nature, I will be truly be surrounded by Divine miracles. Just like the beautiful flower, the majestic waterfall, the natural way of breathing and of the heart beats .. in all this simplicity, life is just a beautiful life.
There is nothing new in life. It starts with love and ends with love. It is just how love is played.
It is the absence of it that makes life uncomfortable. That grudges, judgements and opinions to prevail. That loneliness creeps. That the feeling of abandonment becomes real.
Love is the source of Life.
I must begin to trust that it is with me, always. Love never leaves me. Very often, I am the one that shoo it away, consciously and unconsciously.
The absence of love will make me to look to others to prove my own merit, but I will never be satisfied.
The absence of love will always make me to ask others what to do, and at the same time resenting those whom I seek such aid.
I must always let love be present, consciously and unconsciously. When I let love, I'll be surrounded with everything.
When I say "I love you" and "Thank you" to everyone and everything, without any conditions or rules or judgements, I am giving permission to everything to manifest in my live. Yes, in my way of living in this life.
When there is love, nothing is too much trouble, there is always time.
I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.