Every Day Is A Time Of Change
As human, I have challenges. I have idiosyncrasies. I have intellect. I have countless memories.
But, everyday is different and I have to feel the difference. I have to accept change. I have to go with the flow.
Everyday is a time of change.
Everyday is about living. It is not about denying myself or not giving myself in to there temptations off paying attention to them.
Everyday is about discovering who I am. When I do, when I evolve and when I feel an inner freedom, when all memories start with zero again .. I shall live in the present.
My memories and my intellect always insist on looking at the past or the future, instead of enjoying the present. In doing so, I miss a lot of opportunities and blessings, by my rationale knowing mind complaining about the past or worrying about the future.
At zero, I can expect the most wonderful things to happen, not in the future but right now. It will cover with full realization that nothing is too good. It allows absolutely nothing to hamper me or hold me up in any way.
I must fall in love with everything, and not selectively.
It is with God's blessing that I found the greatest love of all. The wanting to be at zero, going back to my inner source and a conviction to realize to take full responsibility on everything that's happening with me.
It is what I do in my mind, with my mind and for my mind that really matters. It is about clearing data and all memories. That is what matters so that there's space for the Divine to enter.
Practicing to go back to zero is about letting God to guide me. The clearing and cleaning is about getting help and giving permission.
My mind is powerful beyond measure. When I believe, I enlist the power of my mind.
My mind has to be an inspiration. Of Divine inspiration. When I am inspired by some great purpose, some extra ordinary project, all my thoughts break their bonds.
My mind shall transcend limitations. My consciousness shall expand on every directions.
I shall find myself in a new great and wonderful world. I will notice that certain people shall begin to distance from me, while God makes way for some others to come closer. Bringing with them the opportunities that I yearn for.
Peace, however, has to start from me. And my intellect must not come from ego demands.
I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.