The Will To Ask For Forgiveness

I am sorry to all the atoms and cells in my body. I am sorry to all the things that I think I know.  I am sorry to this Divine body that holds all my thoughts, emotions, spirit and physical.

I am sorry. I am sorry. I am sorry.

Today, I want to set all free. I seek for forgiveness as it is the most powerful transformative energy.

I have to be willing to ask for forgiveness for being unconscious.  Should I am not doing it, I am blocking the Divine's flow in my life and in all other areas too.

It is said that people who achieve mastery have the ability to be outrageous.  Let me be outrageous.

I shall speak out loud as I stride forward with a firm, steady step knowing with a deep, certain inner knowing that I will reach every goal I set myself, that I will achieve every aim.

I have to fall in love with everything. Everything is love. I must not love selectively.

Everything is just is. Everything is love. Everything happen for good reasons.

It is my ego demand that demands rationality. That everything has to be according to the way I think.  Because the ego demand wants to be right all the time.

When I surrender, I consciously leave my ego.  So, whatever it is that information playing in me, I ask for it to let go.  Let it be sent to Divinity for transmutation.

When I reach for Divinity, I can expect that every of my needs to be met.  That I can expect the answers to every problems.  That I can expect abundance on every level.  That I can expect to grow spiritually.

When I appreciate Divinity, I appreciate myself.  It will be here that I will learn how to appreciate everything and everybody.

There's Divine in everything.

I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

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