Wind Beneath My Wings

Love is the wind beneath my wings.  When I do things to please others, or when I put others first, if it doesn't work for me, it won't work for them.

The Divine grants me what is correct on every moment.  This is done with allowing divinity to deliver fresh ideas to me.

They may seem to come out of nowhere.  They appear more often when my spirit and soul have more space to receive them.

I need to love myself, be happy and preach through my words, thoughts, deeds and actions.  

Peace begins with me.  When there's none within me, it is useless to find it elsewhere.

I must not be afraid to tread my path alone.  It has to be alone but I have to know which is my path and follow it wherever it may lead me.

I do not and must not feel that I have to follow in someone else's footsteps.

As a human, I cannot give what I don't have.  

As a human, I don't know what is right for myself.  Do I know what is right for others?

When I desire a change, I must be that change before that change can take place.

When I appreciate myself, I will learn how to appreciate everything and everybody.

When I have faith, I will accept that I am love as it is the seed that I am born with.

My essence of my own soul is love.  When I accept and honour that, I start to merge back into the essence of life itself.  

To be with love, I am starting to merge back with the Divine and my devotion to the Divine.

May my days be filled with peace beyond all understandings.

May my days be surrounded with love beyond all understandings.

May my connection with others be guided with wisdom beyond all understandings.

May my words, thoughts, deeds and actions are always about appreciation to Life, and they shine out of me from the essence of my soul of Love.

I must fall in love with everything. Only then that I am allowing the Divine to work through me.

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