I Write These Prayers

It is important that I forgive myself.  I have to forgive myself for making all the mistakes, for adding up to all the flaws and for effecting all the misunderstandings.  I have to forgive myself for all my bad decisions.  I have to forgive myself for all the misgivings.

I have to forgive myself so that I can learn from my errors.  Forgiveness gives me the insight to move out of the past and into the present.

It is this act of becoming fully aware of my imperfections that I write these prayers.  I am not perfect with my thoughts, my words, my deeds and my actions.  It is my humble request to wake up.  It is a deep hopeful wish to own those errors so that I can improve on the quality of life.

These prayers are my conversation with God.  These prayers are my dire attempts to connect with the Divine.  These prayers make me to embrace peace and that, with God's grace, I will find the light.

I write these prayers to clean all my past beliefs, errors, miscalculations, mistakes and wrong doings.  I write so that I can take full responsibility of them and I shall be granted to be at zero.  I write them because I am a human and that I have to accept my imperfections, without shame.

I write these prayers so that I can reach the light of God, so that I can be a light of God.  So that I can be useful.  So that I can be a blessing.  But, before I can be all of these, I have to make amends.  Making amends is an important part of growth.

So here I am, again and again, reaching for Divinity's Hand.  I ask for forgiveness.  Forgiveness is important to the healing process.  It allows me to let go of my anger, guilt, shame, sadness or any other feelings and move on.  It showers blessings on me to be surrounded with many beautiful people.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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