The Tragedy

The tragedy of a man's life is what dies inside of him while he lives.  But, the man who would know the world seek first within his being's depths.  And the man who would truly know himself develop interest in the world.

I am not my thoughts and I have to let the thoughts to come and go like clouds just floating on by.  I am not my emotions.  I am not my feelings.  I am not my body.  I am, in fact, just the light of Divinity.

In that light of Divinity in this House of Humanity, I have nothing to do but learn to be a witness to Life.  I have to participate to make the light brighter.  I have to engage in making the House of Humanity a beautiful transitory world.  I have to love the love of the Divine.

It is, however, unfortunate that in the House of Humanity, I often forget about this Light.  Instead, with all the accumulation, creation and acceptance of life experiences, I use them against my own source.  

The tragedy of a man is when he insists on looking at the past or the future, instead of enjoying the present.  As such, he misses a lot of opportunities and blessings, by complaining about the past or worrying about the future.

Every time the man decides to react and not to let go.  The tragedy leads the man to sacrifice his true identity, his true being.  The tragedy ends with the man trapped in his memories of always wanting to be right.  To be dead right.

I am that man.  I can be that man.

Dear ONE, here I am reaching out to the Divine's Hand.  Let the water of life releases all that is not Love in me.  Let me be released of all human bondages that are not Love.  

Let me be the light of Divinity yet again.

Dear ONE, shower me with your seed of wisdom.  Plant me with joy.  Let me breath love.  Let me imbue peace in the Pillar of the Peace of'I'.

Today, let me take charge as I reach your Divine's Hand.  Today, I tell myself to be empowered.

Today, I am telling myself not to dwell on the past.  But only to use it to illustrate a point, then I must leave it behind.  Yes!,   that is exactly what is needed to be done.

Nothing really matters except what I do now in this instant of time.

It is important that I am connected to that part of me that is wiser, my sixth sense.  In this part of me, I have all the solutions to problems.  In this part, it can offer the right answers to the questions BUT only when I'm willing to let go and trust.

I have to leave my addiction to fear, to suffering and dare enough to face and go past it.  I have to leave its familiar grounds and reach the other side of the tunnel.

At the other tunnel, I have left all worries, all excuses, all desires to try this and try that out of my fear.

At this new beginning, I am committing into the miracle of the moment and to be just be.

From this moment onward, I can be an entirely different person. A new person filled with love and understanding, ready with an outstretched hand, uplifted and positive in every thought and deed.

From this moment on, the only way for me to deal with the future is to function efficiently in the NOW.

I love you.
I am sorry.
Please forgive me.
Thank you.

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