The Desire To Be Healed

A doctor will not be able to help me when I cannot describe the detailed symptom to him.  Likewise, should I want to get healed, I need to know what is actually wrong with me.  I have to be able to describe it all.  I need to be specific.  I have to know what is truly my problem deep inside.

The body is intelligent and it can heal itself.  But it needs complete honesty where the mind, body and soul come together to conspire in a common language.  There has to be one congruent mindset.  There has to be total agreement and harmony.  

Healing will not take place when there is conflicting consciousness.

I have to be open and honest with my problem.  I should not hide away or bury anything.  I have to openly talk about it.  Knowing how my mind works is the first step.  It is crucial.  

Is my mind dominantly negative or positive?  What about my self-talk?  Do I critically analyze every details and doubt at almost all circumstances?

When I totally accept who I am, with all my flaws and imperfections, I am on the road towards healing.  Acceptance makes healing easier.  When I want to heal, I have to turn to every page and erase my old ways. 

I need to erase them all with raised heightened realization and becoming fully aware.

Healing is a transformative process where it brings positive change, finding meaning and movement toward self realization of wholeness with my well being.  Should I want to be happy, I should stop seeking sadness.  Should I want to heal, I have to stop seeking more pain.

I love you.  I am sorry.  Please forgive me.  Thank you.

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