I Like To Teach The World To Sing
How can I teach the world to sing when I do not know anything about music. I don't even know the defining characteristic for classifying vocal range or tone is about. When I know nothing about music, voice coach and anything music related, can I effectively teach the world to sing the good song? To get into a perfect harmony, it takes both the desires to teach and learn to go hand in hand. I have to have enough knowledge to impart it to others. I have to develop a want to receive it, in return. Every act of receiving is an act of giving. All souls are teachers and they are students too. Each of these souls - yours and mine - are capable of creating whatever the souls want. What is standing the way between where they are and where they want to be is himself or herself. It is never the time or the circumstance that stops one from teaching and learning. Wanting to teach and wanting to learn has to come from within. Everything begins wit...