
Burden Of The Past

Dear ONE, "How much do I know about my brain?", You asked.  While it is used to make me think, thinking is a burden. The brain, as useful and beautiful it is, makes snap judgements all the time.  It does that because it is trying to be efficient to keep me safe. The irony, which I probably dismiss it all the time, the brain is lazy.  It is conditioned to act.  The conditioning comes from all my past programmings that, essentially, create the mental bugs. What I may not know, this brain is a luggage full of data from the past.  It is heavy and packed filled for a trip on many life-times.  Unfortunately, it was not only filled with mine but my parents, their parents and all my ancestors. Funny thing, I have yet to unpack them all.  It is only natural that the burden makes me lazy and not able to experience the purity of every moments. The purity can come when I take time to clean.  When the load is taken off, there is much to use of nature's way. It...

Why I Need To Clean My Thought

Dear ONE, I clean and pray so that I have peace beyond all understanding.  So that I have love beyond all understanding. So that I can fully realize that I am only a human with many errors.  With many baggages in thoughts, words, deeds and actions. I clean and pray so that my repentance prayer is transmuted.  So that all my demands are dissolved within myself.  So that my soul is aligned with everything divine and divinely inspired. What I am today come from the thoughts of yesterday.  My present thoughts build my life for tomorrow, the future. My life is the creation of my mind.  What I am constantly doing, with all my purpose and intent, will become the reality of tomorrow.  And when that really should happen, I have to accept that certain journey of my life has ended. The past is dead.  And I may still be dragged with grief.  The future is imaginary.  Happiness can only be in the eternal now moment. I may ask, what else is possible? W...

Captain Of My Own Life

 Oh, the dearest ONE, There are times where I feel that I am injured and hurt emotionally.  Not so much by other people or what they say or don't say, but by my own attitude and my own response. After all, there is no one outside.  It is what in my thought that creates the injury.  It is my own thought that hurts myself. I have to love myself. I have to forgive myself.   It is the number one thing to unblock the vibrations inside me so I can attract more of divine inspirations. I need, and have to forgive anybody for anything throughout my entire life.  As I forgive them, I forgive myself too. I must be the captain of my life. The master.  I have to follow my own inner wisdom to guide me, to make things right for me and by me.  After all, how will I know whom to trust and follow? In Divinity's Hand, I am not my thoughts, or my body, or my emotions.  The way to be into that consciousness is to be at Zero.  To be with God. To be with the D...

It Is In My Belief That My World Works

Life is simple but it is the data, memories and programs that are stored in it that make my life to be difficult. This is the truth, one of the greatest truth.  My mind may not agree with it.  It is a thought for the higher consciousness.  It is beyond a human's understanding.  However, when I embrace it, it shall transcend my consciousness. It shall be my reckoning to accept that life is difficult because I have lived it that way.  It has been shaped that way from the past conditioning.  However, it can change once I truly understand and accept that life can never be what it used to be.  Once it is accepted, the fact that life is difficult no longer matters. The health of my mental state dictates on the disposition.  When it is healthy and filled with awareness, I find good in every thing I do.  The good feelings spread to every where I go and in everything that surrounds me. I must choose to see everything, include every other souls, in joy...

The Clarity In Thought Process

Dear ONE, As I sit meditatively to be in Your space, to reach to You, to be embraced by You and imbued with Your Divinity, I have tears rolling down. Am I feeling You? Am I missing You?  Am I ... Yes, there's ton of questions.  And that's a mind problem.   Very often, there will be questions.  It will be my intellect that will cloud any understanding.  Because intellect has its limit.  Too much analysis will paralyze me.  Clarity is essential to fuel for everything to happen.   When a thought is as clear as the sky, it boomerangs the good things.  It opens the journey.  In an open sky, we see more things. In an open mind, Divinity gives clear inspirations. With clarity, trust takes place.  It changes the world I live in.  It can change my own belief system about the nature of life, of people, of realty to something more positive. Clarity is a secret to miracle.  Clarity is the wisdom and when I take responsibility to act i...

Practice Makes Perfect

Let this be a wake up call.  Let this be my realization.   However, it should not just be another realization.   It has to a vow, a promise, a consciousness, an awareness that I must commit.  That I must own and be responsible for.  I have to own the realization and to follow it through. I must not blindly act and be the actor to follow my own scripts.  There must be a time, in life, that I have to step out.  That I have to assume the role of my Higher Self to be close to the purpose of my self I-dentity. Life has shown me that it will always present me with challenges, no matter big or small.  Whether I accept that (or not),  there is always a drive inside any individual wanting to change. Putting all the tests of life behind, I have to grow.  This is the only possibility ahead.  How? Today, I have been showed the tools.  I need to recognize them and to start practicising each one of them.  Practice makes perf...

The Inner Child

Today I am reaching out to my Inner Child.  Today, it is a day to spend more quality time to care and protect him.  Today, I am sharing all my happiness and sadness, the way I should like a mother and/or a father to her/his child. Today, I must tell him how important he is to me. Should I continue to ignore our relationship, my life will not be fully happy.  There will always be something inside of me that is missing.  That missing part is this Inner Child. The Inner Child is where I get to infuse the consciousness of Life.  Together, it heightens my relationship with the super high consciousness of the Divine.  In it all, with the three of us become one, the possibility to know the purpose of life is defined. It is where the unconscious, sub-conscious and the conscious become one.  The reality becomes big.  The outlook for life dimension expands.  Everything is spread wider. The Inner Child is the consciousness that provides the cord.  ...

Dramas In Life

Thank you for the drama in my life.  Thank you for the pains that I feel in my emotions.  Thank you for the confusion.  Thank you for the heartbreaks. I have to acknowledge them with gratitude, not with despair. They have to happen for my realization.  They have to happen so that I can take charge of my life.  They have to take place so that I can take full responsibility to everything that is happening. Acceptance to them will open up the truth, the real truth of who I am.  With the truth revealed, peace sets in.  And so shall be joy and happiness.  All I have to do is to embrace them so that I learn what love is about. The beautiful thing about realization is to own life.  The ownership will give me the courage and the confidence with whatever Divinity puts in front of me.

Take Away The Labels, Life Gets Easier

Fill hate into the sub-conscious mind, you become hateful.   Fill it with revenge, you become revengeful.   Fill it with anger, you become angry.   Fill it with fear, you become fearful.   Fill it with 'I am not worth it', you become worthless.   Fill it with 'It is just wrong to (fill in the blank)’, your life shall be in denial. As a matter of choice, when you fill love into the sub-conscious mind, you become love.     Fill it with acceptance, you become an accepting individuals.   Fill it with peace, you become peaceful.   Fill it with humbleness, you become humble.   Fill it with 'What I do is all good', success comes to those who truly believe it. That's how we react to reality.     What we plant in our sub-conscious mind, when we internalize to feel on the energy of words, our body will become active creators.    Regardless of the language we speak or what we fill into the sub-conscious mind, words connect o...

The Voice Of My Soul

I enjoy writing.  It relaxes me.  It makes me to take charge to nurture my mind and spirit.  Writing, to me, is far better than the burden of thinking and talking. Writing is self discovery.  Writing is a way towards achieving my self conviction:  I Become What I Think About.  The Me I See, The Me I Will Be. My writings are my way to communicate with the Universe.  They are my expressions of my inner voice.  They are the voices of my soul.  Often, they are about little prayers for my development, growth and general well BE-ing.  Often, they are meant to raise my spirituality - yes, may the blessings be!. These writings are my conversation with God.  These writings are my way to reach out to Him. Do know that this blog, "The Blessed Life" is NOT a religious blog. I am not a strictly religious human being but I have a strong conviction to God.  Any resemblances, in the postings here, to actual people and/or events ...