Is It Important To Be Right?
Intellect can drive my smart alec attitude off the wall. When it is not controlled, it is an arrogant attitude as though I know everything and anything. But, do I really know everything and anything under the stars? Intellect is a tricky thing; it is just as good as an illusion. The more that I think I know, the more I know nothing. Intellect is not wisdom. Wisdom not only knows but it also understands. And, the distinction between knowing and understanding is what makes things, life in general, interesting. Intellect is generally factual. It has no emotions, no understanding. Would I rather be right or would I rather be happy? Is there a need to be right all the time? What is right for me may not be right for somebody else. There will always be different perspective on any given subject. I cannot be mindless to think there has to be one absolute truth when I do not know what truth is. The need to be right at all ti...