Spark Joy
With love to Marie Kondo, a Japanese organizing consultant, I learn the term 'Spark Joy'. It teaches me on the importance to keep things that only sparks joy. The idea of sparking joy is to live with the tidied important things, minus all the junks and clutters. The effect from these organized and sorted main essential items will let me to experience true joy. Holding on to too many unimportant things will not make life easy. It makes me stuck and inflexible. I will end up with an attitude of not willing to change nor compromise. A cluttered mind, a cluttered personal space will not let me breathe peace. It will not give me emotional and mental clarity. When I de-clutter my mind together with my personal space, it will be easier for me to let things go. There is definitely freedom in a vacuum. De-cluttering allows me to create more space for good things to fill in. The act is a reset button to start things all over ...