
The Spiritual Exercise

I reap what I sow.  It is the basic principle of life where the Law of Attractions and Vibrations and Law of Cause and Effect come together.  Everything in life has domino effect consequences.  The future is, inevitably, shaped by present actions. Just like a seed that turns into a plant, the same principle applies when I plant a seed of kindness.  Or, I give a smile.  Or, I share a bit of knowledge.  The beautiful plant, in return, bears beautiful flowers that turn into fruits one day.  I receive a smile in return and the little knowledge I share becomes another's. I want to live in the kind of world where love is eternally shared.  There is nothing more beautiful than a beautiful soul who goes out of his or her way to make life beautiful for others.  I want to be such a soul.  Even if I can't, I pray that I can do my bit. It is important that I take care to treat human beings right.  All humans have divine spark in them.  Sho...

Let's Wake The Dream

To dream for what I can achieve in life can be empowering.  It can lift up my spirit to live forward.  It gives me the courage, the strength and the motivation to live with purpose.  It raises hopes.  The secret of living is to follow my dreams and go after them.  All dreams are made to be followed. But dreams will be only dream until I do something about them.  Should I wait until I feel good enough to follow them, then I will never make it.  Dreams come true when I pursue them.  I should not live the same day over and over again and call that a life. The time has come now where my dreams are to wake up.  The have to be activated for I am living in an evolved time.  It is time to let the flowers bloom, the sky opens and walk the walk.  I should take charge to live for the better me, with all my dreams taking place. Opportunities happen all the time.  And, I have to place my dreams among these opportunities.  It is the way...


What would life be should anything and everything around me is called with only one name?  With only a single distinct meaningful element?  Perhaps, there shall be no differences and there shall be no dissimilarities?   That, anything and everything out from God's creations here on Mother Eearth bear only one word?  That, anything and everything that evolve on these creations are solidified with only one energy?  That, all these creations (and including me) can fully understand the purpose why we are created? Can it beautiful, and will it be amazing, if anything and everything is just called 'LOVE'? While duality is created for me to experience my existence, there need be some form of code to tie all together. There ought to be a quality to balance all things out. Just while most arguments are a battle of egos, my mind has to be both a good teacher and also a good learner.  I must not allow myself to be boastful ignorance. The knowledge I learn today must t...

Reaching Out

The amount of opportunity to be generous with the heart is enormous.  There are always ways where I can learn to be kind.  There are always sets of circumstances to make a difference.  All that I need is to give, to reach out, unconditionally without thinking what I would get in return. An act of unconditional love can be gratifying.  Reaching out to others not only help them but it enriches the inner self.  It makes me human and it allows me to have a much deeper relationship with life.  It is an opportunity to embrace with the loving self. Reaching out is about the love for life, a bridge to where no man is an island.  To provide where there are others who may need a little something.  To consider where others who want a shoulder to cry on.  To reach out is to present compassion and to let life be meaningful. But, reaching out should not be about boosting my ego.  It should not be about me showing off.  It should not be an act whe...

Sometimes In Life

Sometimes in life, I need to stop for a moment.  And, I must stop for that moment.  I should not keep going without taking the time, the moment to ponder for what is next to come.  I must not chase after my shadow without spending time to appreciate what is there in my hands. There must be a reason when I stop for that moment.  What is important is for me to be grateful.  I have to be thankful to what life has given me, to where it has brought me.  At that moment, I need to realize what I have done, what I have traded on all my options. In this world that is full of pleasure so frail, I need to sit back to smell the roses.  Wisely, I must be grateful and acknowledge the source of goodness in my life.  I need to pause to recognize the daily moments that bring me joy and be thankful. Day by day, everything about my life shall unfold.  Should I not take the time to stop for that moment, I may not know who I am.  I may continue to wander, mi...

Let Me Love You

I have to love myself while I still get the chance.  Before I am too weak to enjoy the powerful feeling within me.  The feeling of an inner push that makes me to do things for myself.  There is nothing wrong with being in love with myself.  It is good to put myself first as it means that the person in the mirror needs me. When I love the light in me, I learn not to hurt myself.  Hurt is an energy that dwindles camaraderie.  It destroys and divides the good things.  I need to stop hurting myself and start living by looking inward.  At the same time, I have to create beautiful meanings moving forward. Loving myself is a divine act to accept myself.  It is important that I love myself but not from the excessive self interest and self full admiration.  I have to do away with any inflated sense of self importance, at all costs and at all time.  I have to accept, and always to remember, there are imperfections in me. Self love is the foun...

The White Flag

To pursue happiness, I need to know when to surrender.  To be at peace, it is good that I can walk away from events that no longer serve me.  To regain strength and to improve on the quality of life, it is better to let my guard down and leave the past to focus on the future. When I surrender, I turn away from my ego.  I submit to my higher self to let go any painful experiences.  I let go the intense demands on my actions to accept what is in my hand.  This moment of acceptance is the one that matters. When I walk away from events, I am not walking away from love but I am choosing to move out of negativity.  I walk away to let go of control.  Walking away takes more strength than retaliation.  To let go the need to control is bending my mind from overacting, when left unchecked can be more destructive than staying around. To strike harmony in life, in any social interactions, I must learn to let the past go.  When things are no longer workin...

The Quality Of Life

Life is just life.  It is As-Is.  It is how I view it that makes the difference.  Everyday, there are constant countless happenings of events in life.  They happen and they are to teach me lessons.   Any experience I have is not, by itself, negative or positive.  It is the meaning that I attach to that experience that gives its positive or negative connotation.  When things happen, it is good that I ask myself, 'What will I learn from this?'.  Importantly, it is good that I ask 'What have I created that it is happening?. I am not the product of my environment.  And, I should not think that I am.  I have to break away from such dogma.  When I think that I am, I am not taking the responsibility to own my life.  I have to look at life in a way that it could be, not what it was or what it is.  The story of my life is not my life; it is just my story. I am a soul and I have a body.  My mind is just a tool that my soul is u...

Before My Last Breath

God, in Your beautiful name, I seek and I pray. I am sorry for all the thoughts, words, deeds and actions that I think I am good above others. I am sorry for all the judgements I pass in life.   I am sorry for all the judgements I place on my ancestors, father, mother, uncles, aunties, brothers, sisters, cousins, children, nephews, nieces, husband, wife, partner, in laws, teachers, students, friends, colleagues and to all other souls that I cross path with - today and everyday. Please forgive me for my ignorance. Please forgive me for my arrogance. Please forgive me for my ego. Please forgive me for my pride. Please forgive me for my stubbornness. Thank You for listening to this repentance. Thank You for the silver rod to ground me. Thank You for granting me new opportunities. All that I want is the flame of Your Light.  All that I desire is the purity You desire. Let me be useful.  Let me be a blessing.  Let me be Your instrument. Let me live my live on Yours. ...

How God Works Through Us

There's a Divine spark in everyone.  You and I, when we completely open our hearts and minds, will realize that God is always using each one of us as His instrument for each other, quietly. Will I want to believe this? Will I want to acknowledge it?  How can I know it?  Can there be signs or even proofs? Believe. Trust. Faith. These are what I need to embrace, in full totality.  When I do not believe, I will not have the trust.  Without trust, will faith get me to believe that everything is possible? The total embodiment for all good things to take place in my ways of lives, as a human, requires total surrender. Should I am skeptical, I should ask myself why am I so.  What is cynicism?  What is faith? Life is As Is.  All good and bad are perceptions.  All good and bad are conditioned by my traumas.  By my past experiences. I have to find my ways to light up my life. I have to work to feel my joy and peace. Acceptance. Let go. Surrender. ...