At Every Steps In Life
There is little sense in attempting to change external conditions. There is nothing outside and those external conditions arise from the thoughts inside of me. I must, henceforth, first change my inner thoughts, my inner beliefs and that's where the outer conditions will change accordingly. Yes, I am a choice maker. I choose to choose. I am that changer. I can continue to choose to just pray and not taking charge to clean my past. My data. My programs. My memories. Pray itself needs awareness. It is an application for relief. It is just a request. Should I just pray and let the Divine to perform the miracles for me, I am then acting on ego above the Divine. I am not in charge to order and the Driver is not an order taker. My ego can never be in charge. The Divine is. In my awareness, I must be aware to clean and let go. Clear and trust. I must have faith in this process of making things right. In saying the cleaning phrases. Only when I overcome all resistance that I will have tha...