
Do You Believe In Miracles?

Mother Earth is the earthly home for all creations.  It is the stage for members of a vast cosmic orchestra. Each living instruments, each living creations is essential to the complementary and harmonious playing of the whole. Yet, while all living instruments and they living creations are interconnect for a purpose, each living creations is a single being.  Each is unique and not the same. While the living creations reflect each other, there is a part that's guiding asking to the right path.   But what is the right path? Is this path a Divine inspiration or is it an intuition of replayed memories. Is this path taken with full responsibility and not waiting to be blamed and faulted? There is nothing out here, on Mother Earth, but the thoughts that each living creations choose to believe.  When I think I can, I can.  When I think I cannot, I cannot. My intellect chooses what I want.  But do I choose to clean on this intellect so that only Divine inspirations...

The Awakening

The only reason for my existence is to discover who I am.  For that to be beautifully achieved, there must be trust.  I must place on its importance, the importance of trusting. I must not waste nor should I can avoid feeling anguish and concern but I must need to trust and know that everything will work out. They may not work out in the moment or the way I want, but they will work out in the right and perfect moment.  And, likely in the correct way. When I walk the path with trust, when all that I surrender is to keep cleaning and erasing, anything and everything that once stored in my thoughts, beliefs, programs will release me. They are the stuffs that are in my unconscious mind that kept me from the zero state. Only when I trust that they are preventing me from Divinity and that cleaning and erasing them raise all possibilities, I must constantly reach for Divinity's Hand to do what I want to be right. I am, mostly unknowingly, on a quest looking for something to disc...

Everything Has A Purpose

This is how God made me.  This is how God, the Divine, the ONE chooses to make me to become aware of my BEing. I am never asked to do more than I am able without being given the strength and ability too do it.  This is the way it is for me. Within that perimeter, I am given the consciousness.  I am given the sub consciousness.  Together, these two make the choices. Make the freedom. Make my world a stage. The only way for things to be made right is for me to reconcile these two. To work as one, in perfect partnership. What my consciousness feels, the subconscious obeys.  My subconsciousness must not become a slave.  It is created not to become that. At my conscious level, here I must exercise one hundred percent full responsibility.  Only when I can exercise it that my subconscious can raise my vibrations to the highest. I must know that only the subconscious is the one that makes the connection to God, to the Divine, to the ONE. Like the saying, monke...

Life Is Not A Magic

I have to remember that it is not about anybody.  It has never been about other people. All in my life, in anything and in everything, it is about myself.  It is about the self that I have to take care and to take charge. The Self is given the gifts of the gods, of the Divinity and of the ONE. It is walking deep into this Self that makes the world. Only when I truly walk into this Self, this soul of myself, that I walk into my fears and that I shall walk out of them too. In walking deep into myself, I am getting to know myself better.  Only when I know myself that I can completely forgive myself. Forgiveness towards myself is the very first thing that I must do.  I forgive myself for all the unconscious thoughts, the unconscious words, the unconscious actions and reactions. I forgive myself for separating myself and all the excuses that come with it. I forgive myself for the weakness and not having courage to take one hundred percent full responsibility for anything ...

Until I Am Perfectly Perfect

Until I am perfectly perfect, I am seeing things not as they are.  I am seeing things from the layers of my past memories.  From the layers of all the formed labelling, judgement and opinion. These past memories that cloud the simplicity in life.  As the proverb says, "I cannot stop birds from flying around my head, but I can prevent then from making nests in my hair." My want to free myself must start from within me.  It has to start from accepting my imperfection.  That I have failed myself.  That I have deserted myself.  That I have formed too much demands on me, around me. The process to make it right for myself takes commitment.  It takes all the tears to realize.  And, it takes the awareness that change must start from me and that God is not an order taker. All my past memories are connected like a spider web.  When I start to remove one as I am cleaning a memory, everything shakes. It is this step that I must see myself.  I m...

Be Like The Twinkle Little Stars

Very often, as life is taken for granted, that the mind forgets that there is nobody outside that can create my inner happiness.  That can create anyone's happiness. When I choose to be with somebody, it has to be because I want to and not because I need that somebody.  All that I am looking for and need is inside me. And, when I choose to be with somebody, it is important that I do not have expectations.  That I have no label and no judgement. All that I must have, when I choose to be with somebody, is love.  Love alone will unite living beings so as to complete and fulfill them. Love alone joins to what is deepest in living beings. I must be like the twinkle little stars.  It may be little but God creates me that way for His better purpose. For my higher purpose. I have to trust that the right thing for me will come.  And for it to come, I must give permission to the Divine on my conscious intentions. What I get, in return, may not be what I am expecting ...

Dear Me

Dear Me,  I love you. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you. I am not here just to survive and to live.  I am here to live and know life. To know life in its multi dimensions.  To know life in its richness.  To know life in all its varieties. And when I can live in its multi dimension, explore all possibilities available, and never shrink back from any challenge but welcome it, I shall rise to the occasion. Then life becomes a flame. Life blossoms. It has to be that way. It is just the way.  Cos God is always watching. I have to take full responsibility for all my thoughts, my words, my deeds and my actions.  I must stop to blame others when things are not well, or going well. My world is just as real as I imagine it.  That's how God presents it.  As I think, things become it. I must realize that I have an effect on the event or the problem, and that my thought creates it. Dear Me, you have to desire to be in the pillar of the Peace of 'I' alwa...

The Thinking Mind

Oh, my dear intellect, my dear thinking mind .. I thank you for being there. But I want that you and I to know that all that is in this intellect does not really see nor feel. It is essential that you and I, the thinking mind, stop thinking and creating labels.  Such as, 'this is right, this is wrong, this works and this doesn't work'.   You and I, the thinking mind, don't know it.  Our intellect will never know. Everything begins with thought but the great healer is Love. Everything changes according to my perception of events, of people and of situations. The course of human life is like that of a great river which, by the force of its own swiftness, takes quite new and unforeseen channels where before there was no current.  Such varied currents and unpremeditated changes are part of God's purpose for all humans lives. My life is like a movie that I have already seen many times and that keeps repeating itself over because I keep on repeating every time it play...

Every Day Is A Good Day

Everyday is a good day for a good day. It is and will be a good day when I stop procrastinating. Only when my heartful and mindful is clear that I won't think but just do.  If I have to think, then I have opposing beliefs wrestling in my heart and in my mind. One wants it one way; another wants it another way.  I must not resist.  That will only create pain. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like. The ideal is to be so clear that the inspiration is there and the nudge for actions follow.   Yes, the difference between Divinity and ego can be a tough call.  All analysis is paralysed to the heart and mind. Analysis is paralysis. The problem is never the problem. The problem is how I react to the problem. The universe is always perfect and all situations that come up in my live are blessings in disguise.  It is how I want to see it. There's a spark of God in all humanity.  Collectively, when this spark comes tog...

Let Love Be Love

Today I shall empower to live in the true language of 'make it simple'.  I shall and must not complicate my existence. I must be like a very small joyous child loving gloriously in the ever present Now.  Without a single worry or concern about even the next moment of time. I who think I know what is good for me and make list of what I want to attract, when and how much actually, in reality, I don't have a clue about what is right and perfect for me. I should make it simple.  I should live and go confidently in the direction of my dreams and live the life I have imagined. As I simplify my life, the laws of the universe will be simpler.  Solitude will not be solitude. Poverty will not be poverty. Nor weakness weakness. I must find the source within me and this source has to be Love.  Whatever that I think, that I say, that I do and that I act must be from this Love source and nothing else. When it is simple, when it is Love, the Divine intelligence conspires....