
My Responsibility

The key to being at peace is to accept that I am fully responsible.  That I am over hundred percent responsible for anything and everything that's happening with me, around me. With me taking full responsibility, I will get to realize that .. for me to upset over what is happening with me is to waste what I have already taken responsibility for. When there's something that is triggering me, that jolts an emotion, all that I have to ask myself .. "what is going on inside of me that I have caused it?" Everything around me is my lessons. Everything around me is a mirror of me. If I don't like what I see, I am not honouring my life. If I am not pleased with what I engaged in, or with, I am not flowing with opportunities. There's Divinity in everything.  Even to the nature around me - the wind, the rain, the sun, the breeze from the sea .. yes, everything.  And then, there are the chairs, the beds, the car, the train and more. My live goes by in my mind. Peace or w...

The Human Me

Inner peace can be reached only when I practice forgiveness.  Forgiveness is the letting go of the past.  It is the means for correcting misperceptions. Forgiveness closes a door so another bigger and better opportunities can open. Forgiveness gives the beautiful chance to make a fresh start. Peace begins with me. I have to forgive anything and everything.  It is when I do that with faith and conviction that I am opening myself to the Divine. That I am willing to allow Life to surprise me. Forgiveness brings upon the Peace that has to begin with me.  It is my choice to bring myself back to the Source and fully recognize that I am only a human with the spark of God. When I can recognize that I am a soul of Love and that I am there source from Divinity, everything shall come into my life. A heart that is not full of love; a soul that is not able to forgive can never imagine what it feels like to be loved or to be at peace. Peace begins with me.  I have to feel it....

Simplicity In The Law Of The Universe

Success depends on where intention is.  But, before any success takes place, there have to be joy in the soul.  There have to be a state of happiness in the mind. Only when the beauty of joy can be imbued in the pillar of the peace of 'I' and there is infinite love to oneself that blessings come aplenty.  It is in self love and the promise to love oneself no matter what that creates the best of the best to Life and to all ways to live. Love erases the negative thought of thoughts, the unnecessary emotion of ill emotions, the disease of bad words and the hellish attitude of deeds and actions. Love energizes.  Love empowers. Love opens all doors of opportunities. Only when love is given that love comes back on many folds.  And when it comes back, everything changes. It shall be like an ink that drops into the ocean and changes the whole landscape.   I have to have an open mind. I have to open my heart.  When it is opened wide, there's clarity. Intellect ...

God Is Not A Concierge

Who am I? This has to be something that I ought to ask myself again and again.  I am not just this body. I am more than my name, my occupation, my intellect. Should I know the answer to that question, 'Who Am I?', I would probably establish all potentials.  If only I know, I will be able to use all the deep resources within me that would help give me the self reliance to meet most obstacles. I am more than just this spirit body. I am more than just that little spark of Divine light.  But, who am I? Perhaps, when I am able to know the answer, I shall keep an untroubled spirit. That I am able to look things in the face and know them for what they are. I will know what I am doing for all that I am doing. I will be above my mind.  Not fully know who am I puts me in a situation where my brain will make snap judgements all the time.  Absence of the pure answer to the question, will make the brain and all its intellect to place me in a situation that I think I know it ...

Life Loves Me

Life comes in fragments.  That's how God presents it so that all the experiences will not be overwhelming. But the experiences are for me to determine, not by the circumstances of my life.  And in all these experiences that come, I have to be very still.  I have to allow them to take place in my life without any resistance whatsoever. To resist is to persist. These experiences come in fragment so that I can see them. So that I can spend more time to talk to them. To clean them. To make things right again. It is God's presence for me to born rich again.  To keep only the best and discard the rest.  It is a simple way to lessen my load on my luggage moving forward in life. Everything happen for good reasons.  When life comes in fragment, I have more opportunity to take full responsibility.  I have more opportunity to take charge.  I have more opportunity to love and experience love. Life loves me. God loves me. The only task I have to do is to clean...

Zero Limits

I have to be a believer that love starts from within me.  I must love myself before I love another. I have to give in order to receive.  There is no other choice when I want to be in partnership with God. It can be money, physical, emotional or spiritual efforts.  It is when I give that I receive something in return.   Everything that is given first comes back multiplied. Everything comes from only ONE source.  This very source knows exactly what is needed, how and when I need it. This source is the zero state.  Zero is that emptiness, or void, where no thoughts, no beliefs, no data can exist.  Zero is the background witness of life that can allow inspiration to reach me from the Source. In this House of humanity, in all the breaths that I take for granted, I have to prove that I appreciate and value what I am looking for.  I have to be aware and always be willing to invest and trust. By accepting myself and joyfully being what I can be and what I...

As I Am The Actor Of My Life

Life is the movie that I see through my own unique eyes.  It makes little difference what is happening out there.  It is how I take it that counts. I have to know exactly who I am.  I have to be very clear on why I am here.  I have to know my role.  I have to know what my missions are. To be good with the movie that I am in, I have to become aware of all my responsibility.  And I have to own all that responsibilities and to take full responsibility. I have to brush up my existence through cleaning and erasing what have been the past.  The past is no longer serving me. The present is. I have to clean the 90 per cent of my memories that come from my ancestors and I have to clean and erase what I have been accumulating these memories for countless lives. As I am acting up the scripts of the movies, I must ask Divinity to help me to clean and erase the memories in my subconscious mind to find the Divinity within myself. There will always be stuffs coming u...

A Problem Is Not The Problem

Fears are to be treated gently.  They are a strong emotional bondages that cripple the way of life. Fears keep away the courage and they prison the spirit.  Fears let spirits to live out their lives in self doubt. How do I let go of all my fears?  First, I have to accept that fears creep and live in all the millions of my cells in my body, from my head to my toe.  They multiple not only from this lifetime but an accumulation of the many lifetimes before. That's the reason why there's a word, karma, in play. Once I accept that fact, the next thing I have to open my heart.  And trust that when I wish to erase all of them, that I am cleaning my spirit.  By cleaning, I have a higher wish to be in partnership with the Divine.  That I shall live my life spiritually. It is when I place God first that everything in my life comes alive.  That I am giving permission for everything to manifest in my live. I must clean away my errors, my fears so that I can a...

Any Choice Is Mine To Make

I have to take care of myself. I must.  As I am taking care of myself, as I simplify my life, the Laws of the Universe will take good care of me.  It will make my ways of live simpler. I am the only one that will be responsible for myself. It is this awareness and acceptance that will make me to want to take good care of myself. Nobody will do it for me but me. I have to be in charge and I have to take charge. But I am not alone.  Within me, there's my inner child that will accompany me.  For this child to be my companion, I have to trust him.  He has to trust me. Together, we form an ally.  Together, the power of prayers gets stronger. Every time that I decide to react (instead of letting go), this child will help to make it right.  But I need to love this child just as God loves me. Just as Life loves me. That's the way it is. Love begets love. I must get rid the reality in my way of life not to always be complaining. Complaining does not change thin...

Am I Willing To Let Go

Dear ONE, I reach for your Divine's Hand.  I surrender to you. I submit to you. Only You, dear ONE, that can restore, that can instill and that can create.  While I am cleansing myself with the water of life, I am allowing Your Love to expand my consciousness. Yes! While I wish to help myself, it is also this wish that is helping others. I have to surrender to feel all the Divine inspirations.  And, let these inspirations shall be of great purpose. Let them be some extra ordinary visions.  Let them come upon me and that they break all past thoughts and memories of their bonds. Let Divine inspirations transcends limitations, let my consciousness expands in every directions. Let me find myself in a new, great and wonderful world. Dear ONE, allow the feeling of love to surface in my body, in my awareness and in my being. Let me welcome these Divine inspirations and their experiences of having them in my life.  I must not resist.  In resisting, things shall per...