To Live My Life
I have to be inspired to just go about with my life. I have to live my life. I have to do what's useful. Everything is for who I am. But this 'who am I' has to be from zero, the source that I come from. I have, however, constantly be one hundred percent responsible for everything that is happening with me and for everything that is around me. I have to take full responsibility for what's going on emotionally in my lives. I must stop blaming others and the world. Life is the movie that I see through my own unique eyes. It makes little difference what's happening out there. It is how I take full responsibility that counts. Peace begins with me. I have to feel it and should I do not feel it, I will always find it in wrong places. There is no sense in attempting to change external conditions. There is nothing out there, outside of me. I must first change my inner beliefs, from the zero state with the zero limits, then all my outer conditions change ...