
Again And Again

Life is what I make it.  When I choose to see only the bad things, I will continue to see the bad things.  When I choose to think that life is hard, it will be hard indeed.  I have to be aware of my thinking mind.  I should not have a mindset that works against me.  I have to take charge to be positive and think positive. All self created problems in life are the result of my expectations not met.  I have to reduce them should I do not want to feel the lousy miserable feelings again and again.  Instead of looking at problems as problems, I have to shift my paradigm.  I have to look at them as lessons that I need to learn to turn me into a better individual. In order for this paradigm shift to be effective, I have to accept the problems.  Running away or to sweep them under the carpet is not the good way.  It will be helpful should I ask these questions.  Why are they happening to me?  What are attracting them to keep popping u...

The Price Is Right

When there are people who are disappointed, who are angry and upset with me, this is where that I have to realize about my imperfections.  This is the right time for me to take full responsibility to own and realize it.  This is the time that I have to take charge to look within.  This is when life's real lessons kick into high gear. Such animosity has nothing to do with them but it is about the big lack off that is missing in my personality.  Obviously, my attitude and character are questionable.   I should be thankful that these people, for all the differences, are crossing into my path so that I can wake up.  Everything has reasons. All beings that are in front of me are godsend.  They appear so that I can learn about myself.  They come to let me to realize about my limitations.  They are the earthly divine angels to make me to be a better person.  Thank you, thank you, thank you. The common element with everything that happens in my ...

What Child Is This

The day that I lost the child within me was the day I became a human.  It was the day that I was exposed to the man-made world of sociology.  I had no choice but to adapt to all my surroundings, mostly unknowingly, to survive. At that tender age, I was made to uncover on every aspects of human social relationship.  At that innocent age, what could possibly happen to any child was the start of many subtle traumas that changed all purity and goodness. Today, after many years, I want to heal that child that I had abandoned.  I want to heal my relationship with him.   I want to heal all pains, all wounds and any deeply distressing or disturbing events that have inflicted me to be helpless.  That have made me to diminish my sense of Self and the ability to live life with full of courage. It is important that I re-engage with him.  Re-connecting with him will help me.  It will lead me to a complete, more confident and self actualized human being. It wil...

Embracing Inner Peace

At the end of the day, all that I want is to embrace inner peace.  It is something so dear to me, as important as the air that I breathe.  It is my deep human need.   Inner peace shall make me a better human that will make me to love and respect humanity.  It will make me to accept, unconditionally, all aspects of life, without judgment. Inner peace will not just happen.  I have to work for it, give effort and intention for it to be with me.  I have to cultivate higher and more spiritual meaning in my life.  I have to examine my lifestyle and re-evaluate what is important. Inner peace is a journey of discoveries.  It is a blissful state that showers with contentment, happiness and personal empowerment.  It helps to navigate through uncertainty, suffering and sadness.  It allows me to confront life with an open heart. Inner peace is a state that scales me to see my purpose much clearer.  When there is inner peace, I will get to ...

If Only My Heart Can Speak

How beautiful life can be when my heart can speak.  That, it shall not use the mind.  That, words are not spoken out from the mouth but only the heart.  That, the very form of communication is from my heart to others' hearts.   Indeed, it can be blissful to hear the actual voice of the heart.  How much do I know the pain my heart endures?  Is my mind in conflict with my heart?  Do I respect at what my heart feels? To speak from an open heart can be vulnerable yet be the strongest.  The heart is where love resides.  The heart is where simplicity and sincerity are.  It is a sacred place with great moral force.  It does not know how to lie.  It speaks without contentiousness or blame. When a heart is pure, and it should be that way all throughout, love shall be the humans' main language.  Everything will be communicated in a heartfelt way with compassion and dignity.  The tone of the heart conveys deep emotional sincerit...

The Consequence With My Ego

I cannot be saying there is a divine spark, in all humans, and yet not to respect it.  Should humans hold the spark of the Divine in their hearts, it is good that I honour humanity.  When together, humans can make life better and meaningful for each other.  When we stand as one with these sparks, we shall create and nurture love and not war. There is divine light in each one of us.  As the author Antoine de Saint-Exupery says in his book 'The Little Prince', "All men have stars".  I have to be mindful of this phrase and let it ingrained inside me.  I have to be conscious of my attitude, my thinking mind and my feelings and opinions towards others. I should not let my mouth invent negative labels on another BEing.  When I call someone 'A Fool' or 'Toxic' or something else, am I claiming that I am superior than that person?  Am I really any better?  By saying these negative words, am I implying that Divinity is a fool or toxic too - since all h...

The Bigger Story

There are reasons for everything.  Why the sun rises and what are my choices when it sets.  Why the flowers bloom and why the wind is blowing at certain directions.  Why I am here while you are there.  Why there is a feeling of love and why is there a feeling of indifference. The responsibility to reason things out lies on me.  So is the responsibility for my success.  I am the creator for creating meaning out of life.  I have to live not by the 'reason' but to understand the wisdom from the experience.  I should not worship on intellect as it does not make me smarter. How important is it that I have to have all the reasons answered?  What do I want to achieve?  Will I question more after knowing the answers?  Must there be one definite and specific answer to every reasons?  Is there an absolute truth? To live a good life is about finding values and not finding every conclusive reasons.  Life is what happens to me.  I...

You Are The Reason

To live by my soul is when I surrender my thinking mind.  It is the surrender of reason and reasoning.  The mind is where the ego is.  It is where complication becomes more complicated and simplicity gets ignored.  With no simplicity, there shall be no peace. It is good to find a balance.  The mind must not rule all the time.  The mind does not have human emotions.  It does not know the functions of compassion, courage, empathy, friendship and relationship.  It exists on a selfish task to help me to survive, thinking it would make my existence easier. When I quiet my mind, I open my heart.  I open for love.  It is important to slow down my busy mind to get in touch with my heart.  My mind is constantly busy chatting, always thinking.  The mind is like an electric fan with thoughts blowing everywhere.  When not in control, it scatters aimlessly without clear intentions, purpose or direction. When I quiet my mind, my soul sp...

Quiet The Mind

When a mind is constantly chattering, it is not peaceful.  It is fretting on small stuffs.  It is assuming.  It jumps to conclusion easily and without facts.  Living in the busy mind can lead to exhaustion, fatigue, chronic stress and likely depression. Instead, it shall do me much good should I quiet my mind.  A quiet mind is a healthy simple mind.  It is good for the body.  When I quiet my mind, the soul will speak.  Answers that I seek become clear. I have to find ways to clear my mind from thinking too much.  It is important that I do that.  Thinking, as is, is already a great burden.  Clearing the mind is a good way to bring peace into my life even if I am not feeling particularly anxious. While self talk is good, I have to be aware that I am doing just that.  However, should my self talk is constantly filled with negativity and unwarranted beliefs, I am not doing a favour to my soul.  Engaging in negative self talk i...

Life In Motion

Life is constantly changing.  Nothing stays the same.  Nothing stays forever.  Nothing lasts and nothing remains.  Yes, everything there is in life changes, moments by moments.  Everything transforms and evolves. Yesterday when I was young, I could run the sprint.  I had the energy of a bull.  And as life moves on and so is time and the space, today I am moving slightly slower.  Today, I make numerous stops to enjoy the breeze, smell the roses and taking to notice the nature more. There is a new normal to everything today, all around the world.  What shall be my psyche to understand to move forward with all these?  Will I be able to embrace it and to let go in order to grow? It is important that I stay flexible and adjust to changes.  I should not be too rigid with my lifestyles.  It is ok not to go strictly by the books as things may not happen the way I think they should happen.  And so are with people who mean a lot to ...