
When Self Realization Comes Knocking

To encounter self realization is a greatest gift from heaven.  When it comes knocking, I have to embrace and act on it.  I have to be grateful and own it.  My mind must not ignore it.   I should not dismiss it as it may not come easily the next time.  Self realization remains hidden and dormant because my mind is full of false beliefs that cloud my perception of reality. Self realization has to be realized.  It paves the path towards improvement.  When it happens, it allows me to understand and evaluates my real 'Self'.  Being aware of 'Self' is the toughest of all knowledge.   There are many things I can learn in life.  But, my mind has to wake up and the learning has to be realized.  Only when I am able to realize it that I get to know my soul and its true purpose.   It reconnects with who I am.  It is a process of knowing myself at a higher level.  It makes me to become aware to understand the 'Self'. Sel...

The Only Crime Is Pride

I have to let go all attachments to label and status.  So what if I have a good career, good education, thousands of followers on social media.  Or I drive a big car.  Or I live in a big house.  Having too much pride will not guarantee that I can be humble.  Having too much pride, very often, clouds judgment. Man, in general, is not capable to stay on top forever.  How smart a squirrel is to jump from one tree to another, one day it loses control.  There is a limit for everything.  It is just the law of physics.  Pride will take me nowhere.  Pride is the death of a thinking mind that drains life completely. It is important that I stay humble.  Being ignorant to think that I am better, that I think I know much more, can lead me to my downfall.  When pride takes control, there is no room for acceptance.  At its worst, there is a refusal to accept any other person's point of view. I must not be jealous over someone else's suc...

Keeping Up With Sanity

It is important that I keep my sanity well.  It is important that I recognize the signs of stress.  I have to reduce stress so that I can be at ease with my mental health.  I have to learn to move out stressful situations so that life is beautiful. Stress left unchecked can cause all sorts of physical ailments.  The more I control my stress, the healthier I become and the better I do at decision making and communication.  Every now and then, I must learn to stop thinking and just breathe and live. In order to maintain my sanity, I have to learn to stop over thinking.  I have to live in the present moment.  I have to stop living in the past and I must not live in my future either.   I have to focus on solution with self belief rather than dwelling on problems.  I must remember that I can always control what goes on inside of me. I have to discover the importance of maintaining my mental health.  Happiness is important.  When I t...

I Believe

To believe is important.  My well being counts on it.  When I truly believe in some things, it shapes my values, my life.  It influences on my actions to become pro-active.  In deciding how to act, it matters very much what I believe in. However, to believe can be tricky too.  It has to be some forms of well judged beliefs.  It has to make sense to me.  I should not force myself to believe some things that are against my conscience.  Or, some things that are at odds with my philosophy in life. To believe does not change reality.  But, it changes the perception of reality.  Perception is a crucial part of how I react to my surroundings and how I interact with people.  To believe is to have confidence in the truth. Believing is not about a wish or a hope to change anything.  It is a condition about acceptance.  It is a catalyst to transform so that I can act purposefully.  A belief system shapes the outcome to life and ...

Don't Let Greed Eat Me

I have to be thankful with whatever that I have, however small it may be.  Even though I may want a little bit more, or a little better, I should not be full of greed.  I should not let greed get the best of me.  I must not let it consume me. I have to know why I want more.  I have to strive hard to earn things but not be greedy.  Do I want more out of greed or necessity?  While it is good to strive to improve and to have a little more but to be greedy is another thing.  Greed does not know how to maintain boundaries.  It compromises moral values and ethics. When there is greed, it makes me to ignore the love I have in favour of what I can never attain.  Greed becomes a problem when I have enough and are willing to do nearly everything to achieve even more.  Greed does not make me to be contented with what I have.  My needs should be limited and my wishes should be in control. The energy of greed is a bottomless pit.  It exhaus...

Don't Give Up On Hope

As much as I want my life to be smooth sailing, I should not be alarmed that life can also throw difficult scenarios at me when I least expect it.  It is the reality of living a life on Mother Earth.   Everything that exists has a purpose, or more.  Everything there is to life is about teaching me with lessons. To survive the journey in my life, it is good that I do not give up on hope.  I have to turn everything that I am experiencing into positive.  I have to accept that life has its ups and downs.   These are trials of life that I cannot avoid.  They are designed to make me to be a better individual. Having hope gives me the courage to think that things would get better with time.  Hope is the only energy that keeps things moving forward.  Hope gives the strength and ability to bounce life back from whatever obstacles. To have hope is a want, something to wish for, to make life better.  It helps me to stay focus to pass thro...

Knowing Me, Knowing You

To know myself, I have to know the people around me.  I have to describe them in truthful ways.   I have to think of everyone in my family and be mindful of their strengths and weaknesses.  Then, I think of my close friends and do the same.  I will continue next, to think of my other friends.   Next, I shall think about my colleagues, my neighbours and so on.  It will do me good should I extend and think of everyone else that cross my path. The larger I can think of more people, the better it is for me to form an idea about myself.  About my values, about my attitude, about my beliefs and behaviours. People with whom I interact with are gifts from the Divine.  Everyone has a message for me.  They show up at the perfect time in my live to reflect something I need to heal within myself. My reactions to all these groups of people are indicative to who I really am.  When I am judgemental of others, I am, in fact, judging myself.  W...

Today Is A Good Day

Let everyday be a good day for a good day, no matter what.  I should not make it otherwise.  When I can make myself to believe in that, everyday will add a little cheer and spirit to my daily life. A good day is when I spend my time and attention on things that matter.  That gives me a smile at the end of the day.  A good day is when I feel that I have achieved in doing a good task, even the smallest thing.  A good day leaves me feeling more energized. Yes, I have those days when nothing goes right.  Are those days, when nothing goes right, can be controlled?  Why do they have to happen? It is what I create, knowingly or unknowingly, that lead for the things to happen.  When I instill an energy of doubts and compound it with negative emotions, everything will not be alright.  When I do not take charge and do for the sake of others, very often nothing can go right. As a human, I have more control over my ability to have a good day than I think...

The State Of Being

Thank you to Louise L Hay, I get to learn on my general health.  Her wisdom teaches me that I have to take charge and be responsible for my well being.  In her book, 'You Can Heal Your Life', it educates on the health impact from wrongful thinking.   My thoughts, namely the negative ones, create all my physical discomforts and ill health.  They manifest into all kind of sickness to my physical body.  Everything grows from the seeds of thoughts that I plant in my head. All health problems - be it cancer, diabetes, fever, migraine, pains, skin diseases, vertigo and the list goes on - have to do with the process of the mind.  It has to do with the lack in self esteem, self concept, self worth and self love.  No, it is not about narcissism.  It has nothing to do with vanity or arrogance or being stuck-up, for that is not love. How I think, the process of my mind, determines the state of my being.  When I think negative, I become negative.  W...

Open Mind

When I want to hear others out, it is important that I have an open mind.  It is important that I listen and not to jump into any conclusions.  I have to hear out entirely and make an effort to understand.  When I commit to listen, I get to know better.  I should stay away to listen to reply. The day I think I know everything is the day I have the most yet to learn.  It is good to engage in conversation with an open mind.  I have to respect the merit of what other people say.  I should avoid the temptation to immediately judge what someone else is saying from their own perspectives. I have to be an open minded listener.  I have to leave my ego when I want to listen to others.  I have to be ready to be open to new ideas or new ways of thinking.  It is good that I throw away any pre-conceived notions. A good communication is when I exercise empathy even when I may disagree.  Yes, I have my opinions on just about everything but when I ...