
On This New Day

Every day is a new day.  Every day is a new beginning.  When the sun rises every morning, so shall be my will to live.  Let the new light shines on hope and let faith be with new opportunities.   Should yesterday did not end up the way I wanted it, today is godsent day to start anew.  Today, I have to give another shot at the best.  Nothing is pre-destined.  Everything, in life, happen for a reason and let that reason be good.  Life happens when I react to it.  What I visualize, it shall materialize. Should yesterday had been wonderful, today will be much better.  All about life is interlinked and interconnected.  Every day brings better chances.  Every day has lessons to be learned. I have to live in the now and be a Nowist.  This is the only place I will be better off.  Now is all I have and I have to treasure it.  I cannot change what has happened but I can change what is happening in my present, the now....

Hold My Judgement

When I pass judgement is like I am holding a gun and start shooting at others.  My words to judge others are the bullets.  They will definitely injure another or could even kill.  Nothing in life causes more pain and suffering than the judgements that I hold about and against others. I need to learn to hold my judgement and, at best, to keep my judgement to myself.  I should not be a loose cannon.  Being judgemental blocks my spiritual growth.  Every time I choose to judge others, I am forgetting about their true stories, about their frustrations and their pains. In reality, all humans are struggling.  What good am I trying to achieve should I judge them without knowing their stories?  Am I better than them?  If yes, how much better? Most judgement is destructive.  When I judge others from my negative perspective, I am doing it to  make myself better.  What I do not realize is that I lack empathy.  That, my ego is bigger t...

Seasons In The Sun

Should I fail today, it does not mean that I will fail tomorrow.  When I am feeling low today, it will be another emotion the next day.  Hopefully, a joyful one.  I must not let life throw me off track.  There is always something much more to life than what it is.  Life is always about changing.  Nothing ever stays the same. Whatever I am experiencing today is to make me a better person.  It is important that I encourage myself to let go.  When I let go, I can move on.  It shall unload all burdens, forgive them and look at the brighter side.  Only to let go the past, and embraced it with love, that the weight of the world is lifted off the shoulders. Moving on transforms for the better when I am accepting my errors, my mistakes and my wrong doings.  I have to take ownership to forgive the experiences.  It is very important to forgive.   Moving on will allow me to refocus, gain clarity and to make me prepared for the n...

The Post

Every human has light in him or her.  Every human is filled with divine gifts.  Every human life is worth the same.  I may not know it but the divine light within me can be, unconsciously, a guiding light for others.  It can hold a place to let them see their paths. The beauty in every human is the wonderful gift he or she possesses.  This gift is a great service for spiritual growth, to connect to the inner soul.  It is a gift that helps one another.  It will be good should I know it.  When I have the knowledge that I can be of help to others, I become the light of the Divine. With such realization, I have to let myself be the signpost.  The sign that gives information, directly or indirectly, for others to have clear directions to take.  While I should not dictate the right direction for them, my role has to be limited only to provide on the various alternatives available.  I should not be involved with the freedom of choice optio...

Be With Peace

A state of living to be with peace eliminates fears and worries.  It is to remove all negative thoughts, stress, dissatisfaction and unhappiness.  When I am with peace, I build my self confidence and strength.  With peace, I am embracing my life. My mind, my soul, each desires peace.  I have to find peace in everyday life.  I have to know what does peace mean.  Having peace in my mind is a necessity for a happy healthy soul.  A peaceful life is mine when I remove my ego and I control my negative emotions. Peace is the result of training my mind to process life as it is.  My mind should not dictate what life should be.  I have to learn to accept, be kind and stop judging.  I have to let go, let God and find the wisdom to move on. Finding peace is a choice.  Many of my attitudes, habits and ways of life determine how much peace I experience in my daily life.  Balance is not only a thing I must achieve but it should also become a ...

Balancing Act

The well being of my life is important.  There has to be a healthy balance between what builds me and what gives me life.  It is crucial that I am aware on what I can do and what I cannot do, at all times.  To focus too much on one area will lead me to neglect another one. I have to find a balance with all that life throws at me on a given day, or week.  While it is good to think that I can face it all, I need to acknowledge my limitations.  Living a balanced life means that I have to determine what is most important to me.  There has to be a balance in my emotion, financial, mental, physical, social and spiritual. A huge emphasis needs to be placed on the importance of maintaining balance in my everyday life.  No matter what the circumstances are, I have to prioritize on the responsibility that I must adhere to.  I have to do what is the most important and eliminate the things that are not. Everyday I need to spend my time and energy accordingly....

Thank You and Goodbye 2017. Hello and Blessings 2018.

I do not wish to let 2017 passed without saying something about it. 2017 had been such a catastrophic year!  God had designed it such.  It had to be a year to be forever remembered, respected and earning the courage to live on. 2017 was a year to expand my higher consciousness moving forward.  It opened a choice for me to grow.  The path for me to own. The path to accept and to live with what God had planned for me. 2017 was a year of deep great loss.  Yet it was also a year of blessing.  It is a year that was showing me the true definition on Duality.  The basic essence to the existence to Life - In its darkness, came the Light and in the Light, there was darkness.   In my grief, there was contentedness for his spirit "will always be with" me.  In my emptiness, I was showered and surrounded with love from family and friends.  I learned to live. Now that I am leaving 2017 and walk into 2018, I want to imprint it ...

Why I Should Keep Cleaning

There is always an unspoken great feeling after spring cleaning.  There is a big surge of energy being uplifted.  For that matter, a clean and uncluttered environment brings a heightened sense of joy and peace.  It invigorates the feeling of renewal, of refreshment and vitality. This very similar good feeling is how my thought process can experience too.  My thought process has to adapt with time.  It is not wise to live with old beliefs that are no longer applicable with current times.  These old beliefs stagnate my growth.  They fill me with hesitation and stop me from adjusting to new conditions. When there is too much stagnated old beliefs, I am stuck with old conditioned ideas.  Such, I keep living in my past.  This is the reason why I feel that I do not get ahead as quickly as I would like to.  The world where I live in today has evolved.  It has definitely changed and it will not revert to what it was before. I have to 'sprin...

My Spirit Is With You

Everyone has a path to walk.  As an individual, I have to decide what I am here to do.  I have to find the meaning of my existence.  I have to learn to live my own life and find the purpose. I have my own story.  I write my own story.  Just like me, others are doing exactly the same thing too.  Each one of us is learning to make things good.  Each one of us is making efforts to survive.  To live our life right, inspired by love and guided by knowledge. Like them, I have to take charge.  I have to take full responsibility for my growth and own all the decisions I make.  When I succeed, it is the effort that I put in.  When things fail, it has to do with my choice. Others will be my teachers.  They are the mirrors to my soul.  Our existence is to inspire and help each other indirectly.  I have to recognize that I am a part of the big thing.  Without them, I will not know how to love myself.  Without them, I wi...

Self Talk

Self talk is important.  It frames self perception.  It is my internal dialogue.  It is what I am thinking about.  It is the source of my emotions and mood.  The conversation that I have with myself can be either destructive or beneficial. I have to listen to my inner dialogue.  I need to hear what my mind thinks of me as it plays a big role of who I will be.  Am I supportive of myself?  Am I critical or negative?  Are there dominant thoughts that keep replaying?   My mind is the verb and my life is the noun.  My mind influences how I feel about myself and how I respond to events in my life.  It is important that I engage self talk in a positive way and not to compound negative thoughts.  I should cultivate positive self talk to increase self confidence and motivation. I am not perfect but I have to love the light inside of me.  To love myself, I have to banish my inner critic.  I have to learn to love my soul....