
Let's Just Live

What else can I do?  To be deeply affected with the ongoing happenings, around the world today, will not make my world any better.  I am in no position to elevate nor can turn things around.  The only contribution I can offer is to keep on praying for all things good and well.  And, keep social distancing, I guess. It is good to remind each other to stay healthy.  It is good intention to update each other with the news, but they have to be positive and uplifting.  It is good to keep the love for life going.  Love, in unity, pushes the virus away.  Love among us shall rebuild the sanctity of human life. While the situation is affecting our lives, my life, I have to look at the brighter side.  It shall do me good to lighten up, be responsible and stay positive.  To smile more and laugh more.  And, not to get worked up for not able to do the things that I used to do. While getting stuck at home can be a toll for some, take this opportu...

Do Something

It is always easier to talk about doing something.  Often, I say something but never get to do it.  Often, I will criticize on something and be a keyboard warrior but not taking the initiative to act.  Do I make my talk that cheap? To be a better human, either I stop talking for the sake of talking or I walk the talk.  I have to show that I mean what I say by actively doing it myself.  My soul will be proud of me should I practise what I preach. Can I walk the talk?  Can I do what I say I could do, or would do, and not just making empty promises?  When I know what I am saying, I have to be proactive.  I have to take the initiative, own it, and not just wait for things to happen. The Universe works with the Law of Attractions and Vibrations.  She feels me.  The more she feels that I am only talking and not acting, I will not attract the things that I want.  I have to prove to her that I put an action where my mouth is.   Ta...


Many aspects of life can make me feel trapped.  A news of someone passing, for example, makes me to wonder the grief of those left behind.  A news of a war makes me to question about love, about humanity.  When I hear that someone is emotionally in pain, I feel sad.  Or, I read some news that I have nothing to do with and they upset me. What's within me that I have created that is causing me to feel trapped?  Something about these unrelated events are stirring me up.  Am I trapped because I have been hiding and running away from facing the reality that life is to offer? Perhaps I have not given life with enough love to live on?  Perhaps, I have taken life for granted?  Perhaps, I have not been proactive to gain a sense of joy with life?  Perhaps, I feel that I have no control over what is happening?  Am I feeling afraid to live?   I have to take charge to realize that life responds to me.  What I see life to be determines the w...

Behind The Craziness

Life is what I make of it.  It is up to me to make the life that I want.  I have a fair share of the universal abundance.  The entire universe is inside me.  I have to allow myself on all the opportunities.  At the core, it cannot be just dreams but accomplishments. Life can be a struggle.  It is important that I have the mindset to get through it even when it is hard.  I have to hold on to what I have because when I have it, it is a possession.  All the ideals and criteria I have set in my head are not mine because those have not happened to me yet.  When ideas are just in my head, they are just ideas until I act on them. I am a small part of the big equation.  To experience as a human, I need to remind myself how lucky I am and be thankful for that.  I have to live my life.  When I live my life, there will always be the divine moments.  When there is a will, there is always the way. To walk through life, I cannot wait fo...

To Change The World

Should I want to change my world, I have to start by changing my own beliefs.  I have to exercise paradigm shift on how I view on the nature of life.  On how I look at people.  On how I interpret every events.   On the way I perceive at reality.  Simply, I have to establish by looking inward. I have to turn my beliefs to something more positive.  I should not empower nor manifest the negative aspects of life.  I should avoid thinking of the what-if.  My thoughts are like boomerang and too much soaking up on negativity and the what-if can stunt my growth. The most powerful thing I can do for myself is to love life.  A life without love is like a tree that will never blossom.  A life without love is not a life at all.  A life without love, with no matter how many other things I have, is an empty meaningless one. Life is neither good nor bad.  It is neither suffering nor bliss.  I am the one that put labels on everything...

Expect the Unexpected

When my mind is open, I shall not be overwhelmed by an unusual event.  Anything could happen and probably will.  It will be good that I expect the unexpected.  When I let my life to flow with the flow, I shall not be blown away when the unexpected happens. Life is planted with the unexpected.  Just like the world that I live in where it is capricious, unstable and constantly changing.   While I wish for things to be in order, where all events are stable and predictable, I have to be prepared for surprises. I want good things to happen.  I want things to work according to my plans.  Should things are not going the way I want them to be, there are good reasons surely.  I should accept them as opportunities to learn, grow and make an improvement. Life is as it is.  Some days are great, others are not.  Each of these creates the canvas for me to design how to make things better.  While I pray that all things are good and well in my...

Angels Among Us - A Dedication

I am not a human having a spiritual experience.  Instead, I am a spirit having a human experience.  My soul is a spirit and it is always connected to my Creator, the Divine.  When I am born, I take on a physical body.  This body is a temporary vehicle where my soul lives in. There are billions of other souls.  They walk around just like me on Mother Earth.  Each one of us, through the physical body, reaches out to each other.  Each one of us has to find our own meaning and purpose.  Each one of us has responsibility and has to hold to it.  Each one of us makes a commitment to be the mouth of the Creator. Every human on Mother Earth is connected to the Creator in the same way.  Each one of us has our own personal connection to the Divine.  This connection does not cease and can never be broken.  The Divine will never abandon us.   The difference among us lies in how each one of us thinks.  The mind separates one soul t...

You Raise Me Up

I am blessed.  I am thankful to the people who have been with me.  They raise me up so that I can stand on mountains.  They taught me how to live to more than I can be and to realize my strengths and my weaknesses.  They make me to be aware of my attitudes, my thought processes and my personality. I am thankful to my parents.  I am thankful to my siblings.  I am thankful to all my relatives and my ancestors.  Directly and indirectly, all of them mould me.  Since I spend a huge part of my life with them, family members play an integral role in developing who I am today. It is said that I learn good life lessons from family members.  They teach me a lot about myself and life.  I am the sum total of who and what they are.  We share similar and common characteristics and traits. My family is my reference point.  Each one of them is my mirror.  Each one of them is what I am.  When I want to know my identity, all that I do ...

Everything's Gonna Be OK

It is what it is.  When things fall apart, pause and breathe in and out.  The breath of life will revive the anguished mind for the soul to take charge.  When a situation is not life threatening, it is good to take a moment to reflect and do nothing.  Going inward is the calmest way forward. The irony is, when things happen, they have already been manifested in the mind.  The event has been planted in the thought form.  Some forms of energetic vibrations are waiting for the event to take place.  It is an unconscious desire yet powerful enough for it to come into fruition.  Often, it is a matter of time before it becomes obvious. Watch Your Thought is often advised.  It takes complete understanding to see how it materializes.  It takes full realization to accept that a thought can actualize into reality.  They always do.  It is good that I learn to speak only when I am sure that my words are better than my silence. Que sera sera...

Flying High

I have dreams.  I make wishes.  There are days that I want a better life.  There are days that I desire to fly high and make everything to come true.  While I am happy being me, it is good that I set new heights in life.  I have to set my sight on a destination that I can reach. It is said that life without dreams is like a bird with a broken wing.  It is good to dream high, beyond the sky and to keep my vision bright.  I must dare myself to learn.  I am the only one who can help myself to grow in life. But, before I start to fly high, I have to ground myself.  Flying starts from the ground.  The more grounded I am, the higher I fly.  I have to inspire my mind to scale high and to let go any limited self beliefs.  I have to delete and erase the negativity. And, when I am flying high, I have to remember my origin.  I may get lucky and stay in the sky forever, flying higher and further.  But, I need to realize not to bu...