The Reality Check
From 1 (the lowest) to 10 (the highest), where is my level of peace? Where is my level of happiness? How happy am I in general? Am I truly peaceful? Do I have a high level of good and meaningful life? How well am I able to cope with my struggles? It shall be wise that I come to realization so that I reap the full life. It will make me to be proactive with myself, not in a narcissistic way, but to identify the grand benefits where they are beneficial for my emotional, mental and spiritual growth and development. Pressing myself to answer these questions, honestly and truthfully, will navigate me into mindfulness. Should I have them in the high range, are the answers a sum total of truth? Have I, completely, decluttered my heart and mind that I score a high state of being? Or, are all these high ratings a play of my ego? Are they my state of denial because I want to look good, feel good and be good? For that matter, what a...