The Love Of Giving
Whether it is love, my time, my presence or my thought - what I give out, Divinity returns it. When I give, I will receive. At times, what I receive in return can be ten folds or more. It is the Universal law - what I give out is what I get back it. When I want something, give it. However, the giving has to be from my heart. When there is no heart behind the intention, then I should not give at all. I should not be giving out something and expect something in return. When I give, it has to be unconditional with no strings attached. The conscience, while giving, is important. I cannot give to make the receiver feels obligated. Nor, I hope the receiver will remember my act forever. I have to be a cheerful happy giver, not reluctantly or under compulsion. The love in my heart is not put to stay. Love is not love till I give it away. Only by giving, I am able to receive more than I already have. Giving opens the w...