
The Balancing Act

There is a time for everything.  A time to play and a time to work.  A time to be serious and a time to be funny.  A time to be silent and a time to speak.  A time to keep and a time to let go.  A time to love and a time to be indifferent.   There is always day and there is always night.  There is the rain and the sunshine.  There is the dawn and the dusk. The course of human life is an interplay with choices.  That is the free will to live by.  Changes, from choices, are part of God's purpose for humanity.  Life is not an artificial proportion to be confined within prescribed notions.  Life is a gift to be celebrated and enjoyed. But, life calls for balance.  The options, with every alternatives, open up the possibility of simultaneously existing dimensions.  At each option, embrace it with understanding.  Grasp it kindly.  Accept it with appreciation.  Deal it with awareness.  Welcome it with meaning. There ought to be patience with the space and time for everything.  Wisely, acc

Moving On With Time

As I grow old, I have to accept it gracefully.  Age is progressive.  The older I am, there is a tendency my life gets much better and more rewarding.  I should not be saying I am xx number of years young, when it should be 'I am xx years old'.  To regress in its truth will not do my body any good. My body cannot reverse the time but to move forward.  Acknowledging I am getting old is about acceptance.  With acceptance, my body embraces it and I should not succumb to be young when it is not.  To make my body thinks it is young, and not getting old, will force it to go against the flow of nature. Energetically, it is about staying in sync.  Old is old.  I cannot cheat my body and let it live not in tune with time.  My body needs to know that I am proud of it and I should not insist it is still young perpetually.  By not acknowledging it, I lack appreciation and awareness. Staying coherent is important.  Lying to my body that it is always young, or insist it is forever young, has

The Bliss Of Solitude

Loneliness, which is often regarded as social pain is not necessarily bona fide true.  Mother Earth, as she evolves richly, makes loners comfortable in their own world.  The world has come a long way and it has changed.   The Internet, for example, has become the great comforter and it offers it all.  The world becomes smaller as the Internet gets sophisticated. Human beings are social animals.  They depend on social groups for sustenance.  To some, it is about meaning.  Then, there are those who practice silencing their minds, whether through meditation or mindfulness, to find joy in solitude. When I take the silence pills, they balance between talking and listening.  The silence pills urge me not to talk too much, not to say too much but to listen.  Listening is the beauty of the soul.  Doing so, it glorifies love from the soul to manifest.   While the desire to be alone is regarded to be against nature, taking the silence pills takes me closer into my inner life.  Does being alone a

Making Mistakes

Making mistakes is normal.  Fact is, I am not perfect and I will be making mistakes every now and then.  Fact is, my intellect is limited and I will never know everything there is in life.  Fact is, I can never know the magic formula as how to live right. As a being, I learn to live by trial and error.  Mistakes are a part of life where they serve as lessons, where they require me to learn so that I can be informed and grow.  Mistakes have the power to turn me into something better than I were before. Making a mistake is not the same thing as failure.  A failure is the result of a wrong action whereas a mistake is the wrong action.  What is crucial, and it is very important, is for me to learn from it and fix it.  When I do not learn from my mistakes, I invite unnecessary stress on myself and on others. Mistakes increase my experience.  They help me to gain knowledge.  When I make mistakes, I have to be aware and make a commitment to correct them.  Notably, I have to admit that I have

Ready To Love

I am opening my heart and be ready to love.  I have to be open to opportunity.  I have to accept humane efforts are being made.  I have to be thankful and not to resist. For the love of humanity, I say a little prayer for Mother Earth.  While I am not capable to understand the bigger purpose on why such a virus found a host and got to live and grow, causing a global pandemic, I accept there's a divine reason to it.  Can intellectual human minds explain and rationalize it? Divinity has its own way of correcting Life.  It has its unique way to sustain liveability.  As an individual, as a soul, I can only pray.  Hopefully, my little prayer be a stimulus to something better.  Let Mother Earth and every inhabitants be safe. The most empowering thing I can do is give myself permission to fully love Life.  I am thankful to medical science.  I am thankful at groups of evolved minds to develop vaccines.  I am thankful for their dedication and their loving determination to sustain Life at la

Give Love

Love runs the world.  Love gives humans the assurance that we are not alone.  Everyone, regardless of age, gender or physical and mental health, needs love and affection.  Every souls use love to drive them in what they do in life. When I want to have love, I have to open my heart and give love.  Giving love is as important as receiving it in the quest for happiness.  When I give love freely, it returns to me.  To live a meaningful life is to learn how to give out love and to let it come in. When I want to give love, it has be without any personal agenda or gain.  It is pouring unconditional love, wholehearted support in any way I can.  Love can be with my presence, with my words, with my energy, with my compassion or with my time.  A beautiful expression of love is to want the best for someone whether it includes me or not. The love that I give is the love I will receive.  Should I want to live a life that is surrounded by love, I have to give love to others.  I must give it genuinely


A well lived life is when I allow myself to flow with opportunities.  When life gives me lemons, I shall make lemonade.  The more I push against something that is coming towards me, the more it won't go away.  What I resist, persists. It is the gravity of life.  As Abraham Hicks, an American inspirational speaker says 'If you focus upon whatever you want, you will attract whatever you want.  If you focus upon the lack of what you want, you will attract more of the lack'.  Hence, it is important I enjoy what I am doing and never regret.  It is better to take the chance and look forward. It will do me good, and let me be a happier human, should I be adaptable in life.  I have to flow with whatever is in front of me.  When I flow, I give permission to let things happen and let them unfold naturally.  Everything is meant to be.  Going with the flow opens me up to the expansion of allowing in my life. Yes, it is good that I plan and have goals in life.  And, it is also good that

Bye Bye Self Pity

Self pity is a human thing and I should not let the feeling to destroy me.  It is an indulgence into a state of being where there is something just not right with the way to live.  It is a sorry feeling to get attention that can backfire.  Sadly, too much of self pity is not healthy. Self pity can ruin my well being.  It is a self destructive emotion where I will likely grow to believe there is not anyone or anything that can help me to feel better.  Self pity creates an unhealthy cycle.   I will grow to believe any effort I put, into changing my life, will be useless.  It can lead where I will not take any action and I will stay stuck in a dark place. I should not allow any sad or unfortunate circumstances to weigh me down.  To feel sadness is a normal healthy emotion.  But when I deeply choose to feel sorry for myself, I am not doing any good.   Should I trap myself to feel that way, I make myself a helpless victim.  I am being dramatic to magnify my misfortune and experience a sense

The Blessings

It is wise that I end my day, every day, with a reflection.  How the day had been?  What memories do I want to cherish?  What have I learned?  What do I want to surrender?  Why do I have to let go certain things? This exercise does not have to be extensive.  But, it has to be done mindfully.  There are just so many things that I can appreciate on a daily basis that I should not take them for granted.  The smallest things do count too. To make a special effort to appreciate the good things is a connection back to the Divine.  It is an act where I acknowledge my blessings.  It is a grateful gesture to reminisce the day's experiences, bad and good.  It is to help me to be open to accept for more opportunities ahead. Counting blessings becomes necessary not only for positive thinking but for the need of reassurance.  It is helping me to be grateful for what I have experienced and to caste away negative thoughts.  To count the blessings daily will make me to realize the good things I ha

Nobody Can Help Me

There is a saying, "The grass is greener where you water it".  Indeed, it is telling me that I have to help myself to make my life better.  Nobody can help me but myself.  When I do no help to 'water' my own life, I will 'dry' out. Help is everywhere.  I am surrounded with bountiful of care and support, from family to friends and Google.  And, even God and the divine universe.  I am not short of loving hands to cheer me up, to make sure I can stand on my two feet.  But, the effort that I put in for myself counts the most.  I have to be in charge before the Universe can provide me further. At the end of the day, the only person I have is myself.  I have to love and help who I am.  All others can help me pick myself up and steer me in the right path but, ultimately, it is up to me whether I will follow that.  No one is in control of what I can be but myself. I need to believe in who I am.  I need to boost my courage and my confidence.  Self confidence is a quali