
Showing posts from 2019

The Divine Flame

Should I feel that there is too much negativity in this world, I should do my best to make sure that I am not contributing to it further.  Instead, I should focus to look within me, correct all my errors, mistakes and wrong doings.   Instead, I should allow the divine flame to glow brighter and not to cause it to dim off. There is a divine flame within me and in all humans.  It is the flame that keeps my life going.  It is the flame that glows, brighter or dimmer, with every breaths.  It is the choice that I have to make, out from my free will.  When I want to give light to life or to others, I have to glow myself first. The brighter this flame is, the brighter my horizon, insight and world will be.  It will give me the light to see life positively.  The light lights up the flame of divinity and connects me with the divinity within. When my light grows, when the light lights brighter, my perception changes.  There will be amazing flow of...

Turn The Negative Into Positive

I must learn to remember to focus only the good things.  When I live by the creed all things are good and everything is positive, it makes me healthy.  Negative things will instill the feelings of anger, anxiety, dissatisfaction, fear or hate.  It will not improve on the quality of my life. When I want to talk about negative thing, I have to make sure I have the solution to make it better.  I should not instigate or sh*t stirring.  Else, I am just as negative.  I should not harp on the negativity and not to make it bigger and worst. When I want to talk about someone, let me be a human and not to talk about his or her negativity.  Everyone has a story.  Everyone has the good side.   Should I talk about his or her negativity, aka bad mouthing, I have to ask myself 'Am I perfect?'.  Charles Dickens, a writer, wrote 'No one is useless in this world'. What good will it do to me should I am complaining forever?  Reality is, the happi...

Stay Committed

I have to stay true to the decision I make.  When I am committed to it, I will be successful in achieving my goals.  Making a commitment involves dedicating myself to a cause.   It is a dedication where I am willing to be involved, to get involved.  However, I must also learn not to over commit.  I have to know my limitations. I should not say I will do something but not carrying it out.  I have to discipline myself to follow it through.  Lip service will hurt my character.  Should I want the Universe to work with me, I have to prove my sincerity, my commitment.   There is a huge difference between making excuses for not honouring a commitment I have made.  Commitment is an act and not a word. It shall do me good when I can stay committed to my decision.  It fosters mutual trust and strengthens relationships.  But, at the same time, I have to stay flexible in my approach too.  What is important is I stay true to ...

All My Departed Ones

Sometimes when I have flashes of my loved ones whom have departed, I get into a repentance mode.  It makes me to pray harder, for them and for myself.  I humbly ask for forgiveness on their behalf and ask that they be cleansed, purified and released to the path of pure light. Their departure reminds me how vulnerable life is.  Their departure is telling me that I have to be in charge of my BEing.  That I have to live right by me and for me. Why do they leave before me?  What are my lessons to be left behind?  When I think that God loves them more, for them to be in a better place, I am happy with that thought.  To be with God is the happiest thing, in my opinion.  It is where the peace of body and mind, and the joy of the soul become one.  It is the ultimate home where all earthly sufferings ceased. Every time the flashes come, the lyrics of a song knock in my head.  'Do you know where you're going to?  Do you like the things that l...

You Are My Teacher

To all the people that know me, please accept my love and gratitude.  I am glad that I get to walk my life with you.  Every minute counts and I am happy I get to learn from each one of you.   Through our interactions, I feel blessed to have acquired life lessons from our shared moments.  These lessons have shaped my life.  They are the gems that build my consciousness. Everything we share is much appreciated.  Yes, the simplest thing is still a good thing.  It is the little details that are vital to make big things happen.  It can be just a smile, a simple 'how are you doing?' or a 'Good Morning' message.  These kind gestures elevate my spirit many folds.  They are priceless. You and I are members of a vast cosmic orchestra.  Your presence, passing through my life, is the living instrument that is essential to my existence.  Your presence helps me to understand on the purpose of life.   In your own uniqueness, yo...

The Need To Be Aware

To be aware is a conscious effort.  It is the consciousness of being sensitive to everything around.  When I can make myself to be aware, I have a direct knowing of what is going on inside and outside of me, moment by moment. But - Is there a need to be aware at all times?  What is the benefit?  What can go wrong when there is no, or little, awareness? Awareness is about appreciation.  It is an active participative humane task towards life.  It is an act of being proactive with the Universe.  Becoming more aware is a conspiracy of love on human existing.  And, it brings humans closer to the source of creation. Awareness is an important quality.  It opens all the senses in the body.  It makes one to understand his/her strengths and weaknesses, personality and motivation.  Awareness deepens the knowledge of love, of peace and of quality humans relations.   I have to develop an insight to heighten my awareness.  To be unaware...

In Search Of Incredible

I am eyeing for the good final prize.  The final prize which is awarded to me at the end of my journey on Mother Earth. I want it to be good, to be something that I can be delighted at.  Of something to elevate my vibrations higher.   To achieve it, I have to encourage and motivate with the right ways to live each day.  I have to make sure the cup of my life is constantly full. But, what is the final prize?  And, what is cup of life?   Final prize is the sum total of all the good things I do for myself.  It is said 'You can't pour from an empty cup'.  This is to tell me I have to take care of myself before I can take care of others.  I need to take care of my emotional, mental, physical and spiritual beings to be filled with love and not to let them be drained and exhausted. When my cup is empty, I lack the love for life.  This feeling will not make me to see the beauty life is to offer.  It will not inspire nor give me the ins...

While On The Road

All roads lead to Rome, so it says.  It is kinda apt for that to life.  That, eventually at the end of the road, I shall return home to where I come from.  No matter what I do, while on the road, I will inevitably end up where I started. Regardless the various routes each man takes, every Man ends up at one destination.  Questions that I should ask myself - How do I want to make my destination meaningful?  What can I do to make my overall journey pleasant?  Where and when should I do a stop over to re-think whether I am travelling right?  Do I want to take a break in between to procrastinate? While on the road, I have to be mindful.  I have to embrace life's uncertainties and take a few risks.  I want to inject lots of joy.  I want to embrace every single beauty of mother nature.  I want to respect and be kind to all other 'road users'.  These roads that I am travelling on are not exclusively mine.  What's mine is the mode...

Don't Get Trapped

All humans are born to love each other.  Unfortunately, it's the survival mentality that makes humans be guarded and reserved not to openly give love away or receive it in return.  That makes humans to lose joy.  This mindset blinds me from seeing the beauty with our co-existence. Sadly, what I do not realize is the subtle unconscious act of sizing up where the minds assess the individuals.  It makes the mind to cave in before I could treat another with love and respect.  I become apprehensive and it will fail me from getting myself to be open minded. I have to learn to have an open mind and open heart interacting with others.  I have to interact from the soul and not the thinking mind.  The thinking mind is vulnerable to judgement but not the soul.  Should I am able to interact from my soul, I will not get trapped with humans' control dramas. This awareness, where I live by my soul, will free me.  I will not get intimidated and I will not ge...


Life is a boomerang.  Whatever I send out, comes back to me.  It is non-negotiable.  Life is structured as such.  It is a circle in the sand where actions beget reactions  All thoughts, good and bad, come back to me ten times or more.  Worse is when the intention is to badly harm another - the repercussion affects the whole generation. When I send love out, love is returned.  When I send out good thoughts, the universe reciprocates to fill it with blessings.  When I send hate out, there shall be no peace within.  When I wish misfortune upon someone, the door of abundance will be completely shut off. What good do I get should I criticize, judge, loathe and swear others?  I have to remember that others are mirror of who I am.  What I see in others, exists in me.  It is a reality I have to be aware of. I have to live to render goodness.  Giving out what I most want, comes back to me better than I imagine.  It is importan...

How I Should Live My Life

Today I am empowering a beautiful message that's full of wisdom, written by an unknown author. "Even though some people are more reluctant to admit it than others, we all have to admit that we take people for granted.  We get so used to having all those reliable people around to pick up the pieces, that we forget to notice how much they actually help us, how much attention they pay to our needs and how much they care about us. Relationships seem to sit very comfortably, yet it's a shame how we only seem to notice how comfortable they really are, when we've lost them.  If there is one thing that you should aim to do in your life, it's to not take people for granted because one day when everything is falling apart, those people who were always there before, might not stick around to be there again. If you have someone who understands you, who is patient with you, who loves you genuinely, who cares about you, who respects you, who is proud of you, who doesn't take...

Slipping Through My Fingers

Life is meant to be a journey of honouring chances.  When I get the opportunity, that one chance to change my life, I have to take it.  It is this one chance that can change the course of my life to start whatever mark I am going to make.  I have to do whatever I can, wherever I can, for as long as I can. It is wise that I act on chances, even though I may make some mistakes.  That is how I grow.  Any mistakes I make nourish my courage.  Failure is a practice for me to be brave.  It cultivates my mental and emotional clarity. The Universe works systematically, in order.  When I am not going to take the opportunity that is presented, I let it slip through my fingers.  When it slips, it does not mean that I will not be getting to experience the chance again.   But, at that golden moment, the opportunity shifts to someone else and I have to wait for my turn all over again.  It is how the Universe works and it may take a long time ...

Time Is The Essence

So I pray and keep on praying but what I prayed for is slow to materialize.  Is there something that is not right?  Is what I am asking for far too much?  Do I have to do something bigger to have my prayers answered? Desperation will leave me miserable.  All acts of desperation make me hopeless.  It will not make me happy.  Yet I cling on to this hopeless sense.  I should learn not to let desperate situations make me do desperate things. Certainly all prayers are answered.  It is how I interpret the answers to be.  Very often it is my expectation that makes me not to see them clearly.  Very often I am not seeing the truth when the truth is right in front of me. God gives and He provides.  Everything has a time for it.  There are always reasons why I feel my prayers are not answered.  The biggest reason is my attitude towards receiving.  How much do I appreciate the little little things?  Could I recognize the lit...

Give Thanks

What will be of this world should I, and every beings, give gratitude constantly?  That I can give thanks to everything, whether tangible or intangible.  From benefitting the green earth to having awareness on worldly knowledge.   From love to joy.  From the food I eat to the stove and to the people who prepare them.  From nothing to something. Being thankful helps me to bond with life.  It lifts my spirit and leads me to have better relationship with everything around me.  It makes me happier.  It gives me heightened meaning to acknowledge the goodness in my life.  It makes me to appreciate at all kinds of creations. When I give thanks, and be thankful even at the smallest thing, I tame my mind to connect to something larger.  I am teaching my life to embrace gratefulness, whether to other people, nature or a higher power.  I am instilling positive emotions to improve my well being, to deal with adversity and to build strong r...

Since You Been Gone

Yes, I do miss those who have gone before me.  So long I am alive, I will continue to miss them.  What they leave behind are beautiful treasured moments.  All the memories bring back more memories.  I am hanging on to them as they make me to cherish what's love is all about.   They are gone because God loves them, more than I do.  Oh God, I humbly ask for forgiveness on their behalf and ask that they be cleansed, purified and released to the path of pure light.  May their souls rest in peace. While I may not completely know the exact divine reason, their departure is about my life lessons.  I must learn from their death, for the secret of life is hidden in it.  Is it about acceptance?  Is it about the worth for life?  Is it about treasuring relationship? The most important lesson is that my life goes on.  While it will never be the same, I should not let what's inside me to die.   I have to remember them by showing kindnes...

Don't Shoo Love Away

I am allowed to be angry, to be mad with how I get treated or made me to feel hurt.  But, in fairness, the anger has to do with me too.  I may not agree, still the coin has two sides.  I live in a world of duality.  I am not, and cannot be, completely innocence.  I have to look inside it and, hopefully, to realize at my own shortcomings. While I work to understand the situation, it is important to stay conscious.  I have to be neutral between the emotion and the lessons.  It is important I forgive myself and the situation too.  I have to recognize its ill impact on my well being.   Should I allow anger to blow, I will not be able to have joy.  The feeling of anger is one alphabet away from a state of D-anger. Anger can make me to lose Love.  It can make my life to be indifferent with everything around me.  Worst, it makes me to be filled with hatred.  Should this happen, I break away on fulfilling with the meaning on ...

The Waiting Game

  When I sit and keep analyzing on the way I live everyday, I loose the joy of living life.  When I sit and just wait for things to happen the way I want them, I negate on my expectations.   Most time, I wish there is something to happen to make things different.  But doing that, I forget that I have to take charge in life for things to happen.  Life is As Is and it has to be led to make it meaningful. While it is true that "we are born to die someday", the duration in between birth and death is life.  This is a divine gift to be championed, in every good possible ways.  This is the one chance, as humans, to find purpose.  The journey in life is about learning to become more of who I am and to fulfill the highest, truest expression of myself as a human being.   Nonetheless, there is the Law of Gestation that puts life on hold.  That, before the trees can bear the fruits, there is the period of waiting in between.  Does the wait...

Doing The Best

It is said 'doing your best is more important than being the best'.  That is, indeed, the ideal spirit on being alive.  When I do my best, I am trying to give meaning to the tasks I am doing.  I am taking them seriously, giving them my best, and to add value. I should not be doing something with the intention to make myself be the best.  My tasks should not be a competition and so is my life.  I have to do things out of love and not about promoting my being, of who I am.  To make myself be the best, from any tasks, is akin to me running a race in life. Doing the best is living out each and every moment to its fullest potential.  When doing the best, there is a boost in courage and confidence.  Doing the best is not about meeting expectations or achievements.  It is not about success or failure. When I am doing my best, I am putting all my energy into whatever life situations I am experiencing.  I am embracing every chance at life so that...

Falling Down Is A Part Of Life

There can be many 'pit stops' in life.  Occasionally, there are days when I am at a T-Junction, facing with T-Junction of choices.  Here, it requires me to make a decision.  It wants me to choose.  At this point, I may face with hard choices - choices where they require for demanding solutions. I can choose not to do anything.  Just to sit back and pause to enjoy where I am at.  But, that is not usually the case at a crossroad in life.  Life's plans are not always tied up in neat little packages.  At a T-Junction, a decision has to be made so that I will not stall with the ongoing traffic of life. Or, I can choose to go to the right or to the left.  I pray I have the wisdom to choose correctly.  Whatever the decision is, it has to make me comfortable.  I am the driver of my future.  It has to bring joy and happiness.  It will be good should the decision bring peace to my mind and clarity to move forward. As I take a stand ...

The Beautiful Conversation

Should I want to engage conversation with another person, I have to exercise respect.  Respect helps individuals to feel safe.  It bonds a soul with another.  It brightens humans' divine flame.   Respect makes any expression and interaction beautiful.  When there is respect, it will make the conversation meaningful. Should I am going to judge that person, it is better that I take the silence pill.  Should I am not going to listen with respect, it is best to stay away from making the conversation.  When there is no respect, relationship is ruined.  It is good to make peace rather than creating unpleasantries.  Life is too fragile and short and I should focus on bringing something good out of life. Do I have to win in any conversation?  Is there a need to impose my beliefs?  Is it an utmost important that I make myself to look good, to look smart and intelligent?  What do I gain to induce conflicts? My physical life is tempo...

My Struggles

I should not take life's struggle to be a form of punishment.  Nor should I see it as a suffering.  There is a purpose to it.  Struggle is what gives me meaning.  It makes me human.  It shines light into my life, prepares me to be ready for the next step, where I am to discover my better side. To go through struggle is necessary for my growth and inward development.  Strength comes from struggle.  It teaches me the important skills in life.  It makes me to solve problems.  It encourages me to be persistent and self regulated.  It also fosters confidence, realizing on empathy and instills growth mindset. There is a silver lining in struggle.  Behind its painful existence lies a purpose waiting to unfold.  Everything in life, the good and the bad, is an experience to help me to see my journey.  It is to light up my life for better meaning.  It is a practical guide to wake me up in life. The biggest hindrance faced durin...

I Want To Count My Blessings, Instead Of ..

Ups and downs in life are very common.  Ironically, they make life even more interesting.  The experiences keep me going.  Life is not measured by the breaths that I take but by the moments that take my breaths away. Life would not be life without the ups and downs.  It takes sadness to know happiness, noise to appreciate silence and absence to value presence.  I have to choose which side I want to focus more.  The one that does not benefit me must be discarded completely.   I should guard my thought process.  What I focus on will grow.  It is how energy works.  What I think becomes.  When I want my life to be positive, I should focus on the positive.   I must let go what I do not want.  I should not fear myself with negative information or stories.  I should not spread negative news that have no base, no validity but only hearsay. To nurture negativity will draw my life towards it.  I must not let negativit...


Annoyance, displeasure, irritation - these are natural angry feelings .  As a human, I live by them.  There are many common triggers for these feelings to happen.  They can stem from losing patience or from a feeling that an opinion or a sharing is not appreciated.  Or, it can also be from past memories of traumatic and enraging events. Obviously, these feelings are not healthy.  These feelings left unchecked with excessive anger can cause serious problems.  They cause stress, anxiety and depression and more.  It will do me good should I know how much they live inside me.  I need to accept that I am not completely free from them.  It is my responsibility where I should take charge to manage these anger issues. When I live with these feelings constantly, my soul suffers.  My emotional, physical, mental and spiritual bodies take their toll.  And so are the people around me.  I create disharmony to my relationship with them. ...


I have to do what makes me happy every day.  When my days are happy, everything else will fall into place.  I have to dedicate myself to living every day to the fullest.  When I do that, I will get the feeling that I can do anything, overcome anything. Living life to the fullest means I am in tune with myself.  This allows me to make conscious decisions that directly affect me.  To live a full life each day, it involves taking full advantage of every opportunities that greet me. When I feel I want to do something, I need to honour it.  I should not push it away to another day, another time.  I have to make each opportunity a masterpiece.  I have to let each day be blessed.  It is foolish should I let opportunity and time to slip away as I might not get the chance again. I have to be involved with life.  I have to have an idea of what kinds of thoughts and feelings that make my day better.  It is good to live every day on a fresh new...

It's All In The Mind

The mind is a super magnet and spongy too.  It attracts and absorbs everything.  Whatever I hold in my mind will tend to occur in my life.  When I keep to believe, I will get what has been manifested in my mind.  When I think everything is good, then everything will be good.  When I think I can do it, I will be able to do it.  When I think I cannot, all else become hard to achieve. The first place where I gain or lose in life is in my own thinking.  It is not who I am that hold anything back but it is what I think is.  Should I want different results in my life, all I have to do is to change my mindset.  Positivity attracts good beautiful things.  A negative mind will never give a positive life. Staying positive helps but the mind needs to co-operate.  The mind has to be one with the emotional heart.  The mind reflects the heart and the heart reflects the mind.  When there is love in the mind, love shall be in the heart....

Positive Mind Positive Life

I yearn for good ways to live my life.  I wish every day is a good day for a good day.  I want to be more than happy, to be in bliss and let my life be flooded with peace.  Everything I hope for will come naturally without too much hard efforts.  When I am happy, my world celebrates with me including everyone that I love. I believe everything is possible in life.  The Universe is full of abundance, it has a lot of good things.  I am a part of them.  What is separating me from achieving them is my mindset.   When I think I do not deserve them, these good things shun away from me.  They will be put on hold till I am more ready to receive them.  She does so out of love for me.  She will not hand things when I am filled with hesitation, so as not to put a burden me. The Universe needs my appreciation.  It is important I recognize what gratitude is, even for the tiniest thing.  When she feels I can honour her majestic pres...

A Student And A Teacher

What am I learning?  What is the aim of my learning? The whole of life, from the moment I am born to the moment that I die, I will always be learning.  There will always be something new, something discovered and something produced.  While the lessons may feel, look and sound the same, they are different.   The hard truth - as much as I think that I know, I actually know nothing.  No one knows everything.  I am, as a human, only has a small piece of the big puzzle.  Just because I know a subject well does not mean I excel in all matters. Knowledge has to be improved and increased constantly.  Every experience, whether good or bad, ends up teaching me something I can use going forward.  Life lessons keep refreshing in many forms.  What is important is not the quantity of knowledge but its quality.   Whether I am a child or a parent and whether I am a student or a teacher, there shall be no difference - it is just a label of authority...

The Willingness

While my mind, conditionally, needs to analyze, evaluate and think through to do something, my heart must have the willingness to carry it out.  It is the mind that doubts and it is the heart that reacts with faith.  Willingness is key to help me to get on in life. Sitting on the fence too much will not get things done.  There will be no result but compounded feelings of uncertainty and lack of conviction.  Procrastination is a bad habit and so is entertaining with the endless thoughts of what-ifs.   They cause stress and anxiety.  Eventually, they cause negative feelings and these feelings can have a bad effect on mental health. While life requires faith, it is good to let go and let God.  Everything in life is not guaranteed, except death.  Too much thinking will put heavy burdens on life.  Thinking is a burden in itself.  I need to have more shear power on my beliefs and to avoid to think too much all the time. I have to build co...

I Like To Teach The World To Sing

How can I teach the world to sing when I do not know anything about music.  I don't even know the defining characteristic for classifying vocal range or tone is about.  When I know nothing about music, voice coach and anything music related, can I effectively teach the world to sing the good song? To get into a perfect harmony, it takes both the desires to teach and learn to go hand in hand.  I have to have enough knowledge to impart it to others.  I have to develop a want to receive it, in return.  Every act of receiving is an act of giving. All souls are teachers and they are students too.  Each of these souls - yours and mine - are capable of creating whatever the souls want.  What is standing the way between where they are and where they want to be is himself or herself.  It is never the time or the circumstance that stops one from teaching and learning. Wanting to teach and wanting to learn has to come from within.  Everything begins wit...

The Body Heals Itself

The body is highly an intelligent machine.  Every parts coordinate with each other to perform efficiently.  There is a divine system of molecular consciousness that brings the different elements inside the complexed body into a harmonious relationship. With such a sophisticated mechanism, the body knows how to heal itself.  It heals and prevents any invasions of sickness and/or dis-ease.  The body wants to function at its best.  The body makes sure all parts are efficiently lighted with the divine flame.  The consciousness in all the cells works together, in tandem, to achieve good health. The body needs the co-operation of the mind to excel.  A healthy body needs a healthy mind.  The body will fail to heal when the mind is not co-operating.  Sickness and/or dis-ease persists because the mind stops the body from doing its best.  The more the mind negates with feelings of emotional distress, the intelligent body will not know how to fix i...

Stop The Fight

It is good that I live my life focusing only on my dominant thoughts.  They are more productive and they are the ones that shape my life the most.  I should not focus on the unnecessary and irrelevant ones.  I should not fret on the small stuffs. When I keep fighting on with the non dominant thoughts, I will have less energy to fight with life on what is important to me.  My life moves in the direction of the most dominant thoughts.  The quality of my life is determined by how I manage my self talk.  Life starts from within me, from the thoughts that I think about. Where my thoughts go, my life follows.  The only opinion I must live up to is my own.  It is good that I focus on the positive and live to the fullest.  I live in a world of thoughts.  My thoughts create my experiences. Eckhart Tolle, the German spiritual teacher says 'If you get the inside right, the outside will fall into place'.   When I want to change the outside...

Breathing Silence

There is beauty in silence.  In silence, there is an unspoken power.  Silence is not an easy task but when it is carried out, there will be clarity in the thought process.  There will be huge flow of peace within. Sometimes, in any communication, words are being said too much.  Sometimes, there is a tendency of over-explain.  It is the same with the mind that cannot be quiet.  A busy mind speaks thousands of words and it can fry the brain. It shall do me good when I can quiet my mind.  It shall be wonderful when I can switch off all the noises outside of me.  I have to breathe silence every now and then.  It is a way to rejuvenate my soul.  In silence, the soul shall speak. I have to be comfortable with silence.  Communication does not need words.  Non verbal language is a more powerful way of communicating.  It is the body language that speaks the loudest.  Non verbal communication is a powerful tool that connects on...

Make It Right

Should I am able to write a book on all my bad habits, errors, mistakes and wrongdoings, there will be countless of chapters.  There will be thousands, if not more, of pages.  And, this does not include all the sins I made, and counting.  And, it does not cover all the lies too. I applaud those who have none and are living their lives clean.  I praise those who know how to lead good honest lives.  I understand should they want to alienate from me, or block me, for there shall be a clash with the law of attraction and vibration between us. I have to repent to make things good.  Not only for my soul but for the people I love.  I should feel guilty for having bad attitudes, bad behaviours and making my personality distrustful.  I have to forgive myself as much as I hope others will forgive me too. I need to contemplate and to stop my bad and negative ways of life.  It is good that I own them and be sorry.  The only way for a change to happe...

A Love So Beautiful

Love makes the world go around.  Love is an emotion that empowers lives.  When I open my heart to love, it fills the heart with a sense of connection.  It feeds the deepest needs for meaning and purpose.  Love is a powerful way to bring trust and honesty. I can only give what I have in me.  I have to nurture love so that I am fully filled with it.  I have to have a stronger foundation within.  When I am full of love, it will overflow to the people around me.  It will allow me to share it with friends, with strangers and with those who need it.  It makes me to appreciate love on all creations. Love brings me back to my source, to a place where I find eternal peace, happiness and enlightenment.  Love is the only language understood by all humanity.  There is love within every beings.  It is invisible yet love is the most beautiful emotion.  It pushes me forward and makes me to overcome all my struggles. It is a feeling of on...

Determination And Satisfaction

Life demands that I fall in love with it.  When I am in love with life, everything becomes beautiful.  Life shall be good and any sufferings that I have to go through become bearable good lessons. I have to plant a paradigm shift and think "to suffer happily".  I have to see it positively so I have the determination to sail through.  The day I understand why I have to suffer, life gets better.  It gets easier.   Suffering is not about punishment but it is to make me human.  It makes me to appreciate the rewards life has to offer.  It gives me the opportunity to get to know what empathy really means. Death is not an if but when.  Death is unavoidable and inevitable and to choose to live is a wise choice.  Making the choice to live makes life meaningful.  In its consciousness, life turns into purpose, joy, love and everything that I ever wanted it to be. I should not shut my soul down.  Instead, I have to invest in myself....

The Prayer

As I am wishing or intending to achieve for something, I am actually making a prayer.  I am establishing a relationship with the Divine Creator, God.  I am reaching for the Divinity's Hand.  I am making a conversation so that I can be heard, so that my burden is lifted. My conversation with the Divine is the prayer.  I shall converse to make requests, to seek guidance and to ask for wisdom. Prayer helps me to open my heart to experience what life is all about.  It grounds me to accept that everything happens for good reasons.  As I sit to meditate and to silent my mind, I am connecting my soul to God.   In that connection, I pray and I surrender.  With that connection, I open my heart to trust and believe that the Divine power helps and heals. There is beauty in prayer.  It nourishes the soul.  It beautifies the energy body.  It calms the mind.  Prayer is not a technique of escape from conflict.  It is a stimulus towa...

It Backfired

Life is such that when I judge another, I do not define them but I define myself.  It is like looking at myself in the mirror and what I see in others is what is in me too.  Obviously, I get backfired.  Can I accept it? By making a subjective judgement about another person, I am not revealing a truth about him or her but a truth about myself.  In most cases, judging another is an act to make me feel better about myself.  What I do not realize, when I judge others, I voluntarily dim my own divine light. Passing a judgement is easy.  Many times, it happens in small subconscious way without realizing it.  Worst is when I think worldly of myself where I assume that I am better than most.   It makes me to think that my perspective towards life and people are more spot on.  Such thinking puts me to keep making assumptions. Why am I so quick to judge and label others, when it is said that nobody is perfect?  I need to train myself to be br...

Because I Love You

Dear Self, it does not matter what everyone else thinks.  Should someone want to judge me, that is his/her choice.  What matters is I can look in the mirror and love who I see.  While that is self love, I have to see far beyond that.  I have to see, and feel, the divine spark from that image.   A true soul is not about the physical beauty but one that exudes in the name of Love, of one with God and of being human.  The real beauty is the union of a beautiful heart and a positive spirit.  Beauty is not about how I look but how genuine I am at heart. I have to love my life, because I am a product of Love.  It is important that I remind myself to do that, no matter how hard life can be.  No matter who tries to teach me lessons about life, I will not be able to understand it until I go through it on my own.   Life is best measured by experience, not so much by knowledge.  The great thing that shall come out of that, from the experi...

Dealing With Criticism

Why is it hard to accept criticism?  Why do I see it as an act of insult?  Why do I feel hurt when my actions are being commented?  Am I so perfect that no one has the right to correct me and voice their harsh opinions?  Nonetheless, there is a thin line between giving constructive criticism and throwing under the bus.   Should I want to change, I should take criticism with an open mind.  I have to accept it constructively, positively.  This is one way that I can make things right for me.  It is how I will be able to see and realize on my weaknesses.  On my errors and mistakes. When my actions are being commented, I should acknowledge it as helpful feedback.  I should not get too personal on the remarks when the (higher) intention is about a change.  I can learn from criticism.  Being humble goes a long way.  There is no need to be angry nor be resentful. The more I get defensive, how else would I identify my weaknesses?...

The Excuses

Where there is love, there is life, a beautiful life.  Love gives the will to live.  Love makes no excuses and there shall be no excuses.  There will always be time.  Everything is beautiful.  Everything is possible.  Everything is good.  Love makes life better. On the other hand, where there is not enough love, excuses become norm.  There will always be something to explain just so it sounds right.  Something needs justification.  Excuses prevent me from living the life I want.  When I keep giving excuses, I am not giving life the chance to grow. When I am late for an appointment, for example, it is because I do not give enough effort to be early.  There is not enough excitement and there is not enough love to do so.  Unconsciously, it has to do with my hesitation and reservation to participate.   It has to do with my never mind attitude.  Bottom line, there is not enough love for me to give respect to anot...

It's Not The End Of The World

It is not the end of the world yet.  And since I am still able to breathe and my journey on Mother Earth has not ended, I have to remind myself of who I am with the remainder of my time left.  I have to be thankful that I have come this far.  I have to make sure that I continue to build better principles, with good moral and ethical mindset. There has to be a reason, good reason, I am still continuing on this borrowed time.  I must not let it slip away.  I should not take it for granted as I will never know when it is my time.  It has to be spent constructively with raised awareness and consciousness. Everything is build on love.  It all comes down to love.  I have to know what love is.  I have to have love in my actions, with my words and in my heart and in my mind.  I have to be good and kind.  I have to live my life honestly.  I have to demonstrate what I can do on my own before it is taken out of my hands. Do I have love in...

A Better Tomorrow

What I do today will set the tone for tomorrow.  For there is a power in today.  The tomorrow that I desire does not exist should I don't act it today.  Yes, I have no control of what will happen tomorrow but today is in my hand.  Today is entirely within my control. Should I want tomorrow be what I want it to be, I have to manifest it today.  As the spiritual master, Eckhart Tolle says 'Your outer journey may contain a million steps; your inner journey only has one:  the step you are taking right now'.   Every time I plant a thought, I initiate a ripple effect that launches a whole sequence of events.  These events shall benefit me because I ask for them.   I have to utilize today.  And I have to utilize it wisely.  I have to plant only good thoughts.  That should be the way of my life.  It has to be the chosen way.   Today, I choose to live for love.  To love myself so that I can learn to love others....