
Showing posts from 2016

The Sponge Mind

The mind is constantly adapting and continuously learning something new all the time.  Learning is the never ending process that continues till the day death happens. How does my mind learn?  My mind is like a sponge.  Just as a sponge absorbs water and grows when it is wet, the brain absorbs knowledge and grows when it learns new things.  It soaks up huge amounts of knowledge from the basic five senses.   The mind absorbs information from every sight, every sound, every smell, every taste and every touch.  Gathering data is a natural thing that the mind do.  It does it effortlessly, continuously and indiscriminately. I need to be conscious of what I am allowing my mind to absorb.  Repetition is a mother of learning and whatever activities that I am repetitively doing will become me.  Should I keep watching TV series that's full of 'drama', I become 'drama' in my life too.  Should I keep listening to sad songs over and over, I will feel ...

Recharge For The New Year

Dear Divine Creator,  I reach for Your Divine's Hand.  Grant me clarify and focus as I walk further into my journey. Should time and space are sacredly to work for me, fill me with courage and strength that I can be at zero.   That my life can be useful.  That my presence be a blessing. Today, at the beginning of another year, I reach to You with this prayer for my mind, my inner child and my soul. (Sharing this wisdom from Louise Hay, from her book 'You Can Heal Your Life'.  Thank You, Louise Hay) [Quote] I am willing to let go.  I release.  I let go.   I release all tension.  I release all fear.  I release all anger.  I release all guilt.  I release all sadness.   I let go of all old limitations.  I let go and I am at peace.   I am at peace with myself.  I am at peace with the process of life.   I am safe. [Unquote] Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Finding Balance In The Peace of 'I'

It is important that I find balance in my life.  While it is essential that I make good sustainable money to survive, I should not make it as the ultimate goal in my life.  While it is key that I enjoy my life, I have to balance it by giving myself time to walk a holistic spiritual path too.  There has to be a balance between my material world and my spiritual life. When I am at the peak, I have to remember where I come from.  When I am at the bottom, it is good that I accept it positively.  At any moment, I have to stay humble.  I should not be too proud with a mindset that 'it will never happen to me'.  Life can turn around on me any moment. I have to ponder on the wisdom of Socrates.  He says 'Are you not ashamed of caring so much for the making of money and for fame and prestige, when you neither think nor care about wisdom and truth and the improvement of your soul?'  There is so much truth on his wise words. To live a balanced life mean...

I Believe

Believing in myself means that I have faith in my own capabilities.  It means believing that I can do something, that is within my ability.  When I believe in myself, I can overcome self doubt.  I shall have the confidence to take action and get things done. It is important that I trust myself.  Trust creates courage.  I have to find the courage to fan the tiny inner sparks of possibility, within me, into flames of achievements.  It is the self confidence that allows me to keep looking for what can be my best. To be myself in a world that is constantly trying to make me something else is an accomplishment.  The beliefs that work for me has to come from not always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.  Naturally, I have fears, have doubts and have worries but I must not let these feelings stop me from believing. Self belief requires a holistic plan of actions.  I have to take control of my thoughts and feelings.  I have to overcom...

Gift Of Nature

"The greatest thing you'll learn is just to love and be loved in return."  This is such a beautiful sentence, taken from the song "Nature Boy". Love is amazing and it is universal.  I am born of love.  Yet, I do not think much about it.  I take love for granted as much as I am accepting without question the air that I breathe.  Both sustain lives and yet I do not give them much thought.  Yet, I hardly think of them because they will always be available or stay exactly the same. When was the last time I thanked Love and the Air?  When was the last time I said "Thank you" to all the things that are around me? Have I thanked my wallet that houses the money, the important cards and that carries a photo of my loved ones? Have I thanked my bed that gives me the good goodnight sleep? Have I thanked my house that provides me with a safe home? Have I thanked the green grass, the tall trees, the beautiful flowers for beautifying my world? Have I thanked the wind...

Life Lessons

Life lessons can be learned at any time.  It is whether I can appreciate and apply them.  Wisdom does not have to wait for the right place, right time.  Everything that is happening to me has a story to teach me.  Each event, each happening and each encounter is waiting for my realization. It depends on my desire, that very strong feeling of wanting, to learn.  Am I hungry enough for wisdom, to accept that there is meaning to life?  It has to do with awareness.  Have I been listening to myself?   When I am not, I will not be able to live my life to the fullest.  I will not know my values and will not know my life's purpose. Lessons to become aware come in many forms.  I have to understand on coincidences, on the synchronicity of life.  Synchronicity goes beyond space and time.  Synchronicity helps me to move forward and to enter a new phase of life.  The key is whether I am aware to comprehend its existence and follow...

Time Is Of The Essence

I am not here to live forever.  Life and Death go hand in hand.  Without one, there cannot be another.  Between the time I was born till the day I go, my life here is not about a dress rehearsal.  There are no second chances.  Everything there is for me,  I only get one shot at it.  This is it. Where my Life is now, this is the real thing.  Life is long enough to fool me into thinking it will last forever, yet short enough to waste.  I have to take ownership of my life.  I have to get to understanding and wisdom. How will I live my life?  Do I indulge at meaningless activities or do I live with purpose?  Do I spend my days complaining or do I give appreciation and gratitude?  Do I wait for something to happen or do I make it happen?  Do I criticize the efforts of others or do I take initiative to be proactive? I cannot give my life more time.  Death is absolutely guaranteed upon all.  It is already written....

Everything Passes

It is the fact of life.  Everything passes no matter what.  Whatever that I am feeling, experiencing and undergoing has its time and rhythm.  Ultimately, these phases pass and everything changes.  Everything that is in life is changeable, everything appears and disappears. The lesson I have to learn here is, I need patience, time and reflection.  Everything that happens has a beginning and an end.  The bad thing will not be bad forever.  And when I am having the good thing, I have to remember to make the most of it to have it as a good memory. When I have patience, I lack nothing.  With patience, I am able to advance and enjoy my life journey, take on changes and not allow the presence to escape.  With all that passed will give rise to meaning.  What I have to do is to be more aware of what is happening. Time changes the nature of the Universe.  Nothing remains and nothing stays.  The understanding of this phenomenon makes the ...

The Beauty Of Silence

I have to learn to go into silent mode, where my mind thinks of nothing and be nothing.  I have to go back into that one atom that makes my human body.  I have to relive the experience.  I have to find it through prayers, by sitting to meditate or simply becoming quiet and dismiss any incoming and outgoing thoughts. I have to reboot my life back into silence and remember the purpose why I am here.  It will be amazing to feel the same emotions I felt in the past are being felt again.  I have to listen to the beauty of silence as it has so much to tell me.  Miseries in life come from not being able to quiet the mind. All over the vast Universe is the language of silence.  Where the Universe talks without speaking.  Where it hears without listening.  When there is no exchange of words and expression, silence nourishes wisdom.  Silence brings truth, where noise creates illusions. When the world is a little more silence, if every humans keep ...

Can I accept?

  Can I accept that when I cannot tahan someone's attitude / behaviour that the same attitude / behaviour exists in me?  That, this person is the mirror of my deep unresolved issue?  Am I aware what I see in others, exists in me?  Are the flaws I see in others actually a reflection of myself? I should pay more attention to go inward and simply not to pass judgment too quickly.  Does the person whom I criticize, judge and get me worked up so easily has something to do with my unresolved issues?  Are their existence is to let me to learn about myself? Life is a delicate process of working to better myself.  While self awareness allows me to be with the betterment for beautiful life to unfold, I have to let this awareness guides me deeper.   Every time when I am about to say something unpleasant about others, or that I am going to react negatively, I have to take in by looking at myself first.  Everything I see brings with it the opportunit...

It Is Okay

It is okay not to have many friends.  It is okay not to be famous or popular.  It is ok if I do not have much to contribute, to say or to share.  It is okay to live a quiet life.  Looking to fit in and to be wanted all the time, in life, has its downside.  It is a desperate moment of deep loneliness.  It may also be about bloating up the ego. Is it important to have many friends?  Is it worthwhile to be famous and popular?  Why choose a quiet life?  Is quantity better than quality? Instead of worrying to be accepted, I have to accept and love myself first, as who I am.  Who I am and to live with meaning are the reasons for me being alive.  When I can love and accept my own uniqueness, the world I live in will be in harmony with my energy.  It is my attitude that matters, that is important and not my status. When I can accept at the philosophical phrase, 'I was born alone and that I die alone', status to fit-in in society is not...

What Have I Done?

I thank you, Mr Mikhail Gorbachev with your meaningful words, "Sometimes it's difficult to accept, to recognise one's own mistakes, but one must do it. I was guilty of overconfidence and arrogance, and I was punished for that."   I am guilty too, Mr Gorbachev.   That statement makes me to pause for thought - "What have I done?".  What good have I done for myself?  What have I done to make this life meaningful?  What could I have done better? This is a reset button question.  I should ask it every now and then, as much as I can.  It is a wake up call to ask myself whether there is anything that has occurred to me that has opened my eyes.   A question that I should ponder and to ask myself is there any regret on what I have done?  It is so that I can have a profound realization about life in general. To ask the question constantly will provide me with significant realization.  It will help me to pause and think before executing any ac...

Follow My Gut Instinct

When at a crossroad, follow the gut instinct.  Collectively, do what the mind, the heart and the gut is taking me.  Take the hue from my inner intuition and act.  Listening to my gut instinct can make a decision easier, without burdening myself. My soul knows what is right for me.  It knows what directions I need to take for my highest good and the good of my path.  While I have the thinking mind that is meant to be used, sometimes it pales in comparison to the inner wisdom of my intuition. I have to trust my gut for it knows what my head has not figured out yet.  When it feels right, then it must be.  Everything in life can deceive but my conscience will always keep it real for me.  My heart and my gut are better than my thinking mind.  Together, they are my best guide. I know the truth by the way it feels.  Truth is when my mind, my heart and my gut agree.  Good gut instincts usually tell what to do long before my mind has figured...

Let Me Internalize

While it is good to tell my mind to make a difference but, most importantly, I must know what kind of difference do I want to make.  Do I want it to be a rainbow for myself?  Or, do I share a pact to be a rainbow for someone's cloud too? I have to live for grandeur purposes and make heavenly missions.  I should instill emotional generosity along the way, every steps of the way.  It has to be in full glory where I can love myself as much as I would love others too.  Though there are differences in each human with identity and beauty, yet we are all the same.  We are all equal and worthy of the same dignity and respect. Everybody has a little of this and a little of that.  Everybody has the dark and also the light in them.  None of us are just black or white, or never wrong and always right.  No one exists without dualities or polarities.  Everybody has good and bad forces working with them, against them and within them.  Everybody is...

Poison Ivy

The day I was born, I cried.  Why didn't I laugh instead?  Did my soul know that my mind would be trickery?  Was my soul missing home?  Was I acknowledging that my life would be a struggle?  Why crying, during infancy, became my only communication on arrival on Mother Earth? The trauma, upon birth, takes a lifetime to resolve.  Perhaps, that is the reason why I cried with my first breath.  The soul knows the long road ahead takes proper attention.  The soul knows that my mind, as I start to live as a human, plays a major role. One of the most important roles I can do is to recognize that the mind, my mind, is my own poison.  My mind has to work for me.  It has to think positive constantly.  Nobody can create a good life for me but myself. Making the time to teach my mind, and my spirit, how to be human is crucial.  Whatever beliefs, habits, memories, perceptions, programs, tendencies and thoughts stored in my mind have to work ...

All In My Life

All in my life is a journey to learn to heal.  Healing is a process that allows me to take charge of my thoughts, feelings and emotions.  I have to take full responsibility to heal myself.  When I heal a part of me, I heal that part of the world that I live in. Do I have to be ashamed that I need to heal myself?  Healing takes courage.  I have to accept the healing process.  There is a bigger meaning to it.  To love others, I must learn to love myself.  To release judgement of others, I must first release judgement of myself.  To heal others, I must first heal myself. I am learning how to accept my broken pieces.  I am slowly accepting how to make peace with the parts of me that are still catching up.  All in my life, there is something to heal.  They are the trust issues, fears and all the things I tried so hard but were never meant to be mine. For me to move forward and to be completely healed, I have to heal certain things o...

The Loner

It is the way of the winding world.  The pandemic, unfortunate as it is, has something to teach humanity.  The social distancing is proving that it is a big okay to be a loner.  It shows there is comforting safety in being alone, keeping a distance from another human being.   With this pandemic, the social distancing is in place as not to put humans at risk of spreading the virus.  It puts space between individuals.  The one metre distancing made mandatory shows that I, as human, is important.  I have to be a responsible being and have to take responsibility. As social distancing is now a year put into practice, it brings a spiritual sense of positivity in doing so.  The habit is to let humans be comfortable distancing with one another.  Personally, I have to admit the peace that comes along with social distancing.   A loner, nonetheless, is not alone as the entire universe is inside him or her.  Being surrounded by the wrong people...

Have I Been Paying Attention?

How much do I pay attention to everything that is happening with me?  Do I take stock of my experiences, thoughts and emotions?  Am I aware of all the wear and tear on all the material things I own in the house? While I have been telling myself to be responsible, and to take charge on my responsibilities, have I been taking things for granted?  Do I assume that everything in my life is well and good?  Do I take my loved ones for granted?  Do I take my happiness, health and peace for granted? When I do not pay attention with what I have, it is obvious that I am taking things for granted.  It is an irresponsible habit that can lead me to behave in careless ways.  Or, it might lead me to mistreat something that is precious.  When I lack gratitude for not paying attention, I may land myself with being selfish. Taking things for granted can take away my joy.  While I should not be a control freak, it is also important that I do not let life just p...

Creating My Future Today

Everything in the Universe is constantly changing.  Nothing is permanent and nothing stays the same.  I have to look forward to the future.  I have to look forward to the unknown.  Wisely, I have to stay in the moment amidst all these changes. Life, somehow, is best understood when I look backward but it must be lived forward.  The past is always there.  It lives inside of me and it has helped to make me who I am today.  But it has to be placed in perspective.  The past should not dominate the future. When I avoid the present moment, or I keep going back to the memories of the past, I create anxiety about the future.  Uncertainty can be frightening.  It is scary.  Which way a thing changes depends on me.  Everything that happens to me is my own doing. I have to create my future and it starts today.  I have to manifest all the good things.  I have to clean today and visualize that everything is well.  I have to tr...

From A Heart To Another

From my heart to another, I wish you well.  From my soul to another, 'I love you'.  From the thinking mind of mine to another, 'I am sorry'.  From the human me to another, 'Please forgive me'. Here, on Mother Earth, we share our destiny.  We walk towards finding our meaning, our purpose.  We intertwine our experiences with hope that we are to learn from each other.  All the little things are not tiny matters that we share along our ways.  There is no escape.  We cannot be the only man on the island. As humans, it is unavoidable that we may not see eye to eye.  We may have to agree to disagree.  We disagree and agree.  It is, in those occasions, that lessons are learned.  We give and we take.  We take and we give.  Life is not about you nor it is about me.  Everything co-exists for greater purpose towards the 'I'. As a divine human, there is love for each other.  As a soul, I have to embrace this emotion....

Borrowed Lessons

I feel so blessed to receive these beautiful messages.  I feel the presence of an Angel who is helping me to clean and erase my errors as a human being.  The messages touch me and they are of great life lessons.  I want to embrace them.  I want to internalize them. For the love of life, I am sharing the messages here.  As I re-write them, I pray that every sentence will connect at my cellular and conscious levels.  That these sentences continue to clean and erase all my errors, all my wrong doings and all my imperfections, from the beginning of time till now, and they bring me to the Shangri-La of God. Thank you, dear Peace of 'I'. [Quote] 01) After loving my parents, my siblings, my spouse, my children, my friends, I started to love myself. 02) I just realized that I am not an "Atlas".  The world is not on my shoulders. 03) I stopped negotiating with the fruit and vegetable vendors.  A few cents won't change my situation but might help the poor g...

Do I Hear Or Do I Listen?

While I hear the sound of the words being spoken, I have to pay attention to the words by listening to them.  Hearing is not necessarily listening nor is it necessarily listening well.  There is a lot of difference between hearing and listening. Listening is about finding out what someone thinks about something.  When I truly listen, I have to put my attention, interest and heart into it and understand what is being said.  It requires me to be patient, receptive, open minded and not to be judgemental. The greatest problem with communication is I do not listen to understand.  Instead, I listen to reply.  I have to avoid doing that.  I have to listen with curiosity.  I should not put words in other people's mouths, fill in gaps or presume to understand the person fully. I have to listen for what is behind the words.  And when it is time that I need to say something, I have to speak with honesty.  I have to act with empathy and integrity....

This Is Certain

This is something that I am very certain.  This is who I am.  I am a multi dimensional BEing with qualities that are not perfect.  Yes, I am created perfect in the eyes of my Creator but my attitude, my behaviour, my personality, my ways of life are far from it. Like it or not, I have to accept this truth.  When I accept it, I surrender from being a narcissist and an egoist.  I have to be conscious that I can never have a perfect level of all the desired qualities of a human.  It is just not possible though my earthly intellect may refute it.  It shall be illusionary to think otherwise. I have to embrace my flaws, my imperfections.  When I embrace them, I am being true to myself by accepting that I am not a perfect human.  It allows me to measure things with the right perspective.  To think that I am perfect does not move me forward.  Instead, it holds me back. So what can I do to be happy and be at peace with myself?  Humility...

Out Of The Fires Of Desperation

Desperation will not make me happy.  Desperation will not make everything right.  Desperation can be the cause from achieving fulfilling goals in life .  All things in life never happen without reasons.   They happen for higher purposes and for good reasons.  When I can totally understand that, everything in life will be in order.  Every hopes and solidarities will then work hand in hand. "Let go and let God", that's the best thing I can do.  Everything is essential in life - money, relations, work, etc - but I must choose my beliefs when I have to choose between them.  I have to set ethical principle for my own value.   To have patience lessens the act of desperation.  To have faith is to have wings.  I have to be positive with what I do but I cannot throw caution to the wind.   Understanding life demands faith.  Accepting diversity necessitates faith.  I cannot force things nor force my beliefs on someone....

I Hear You

I always believe all humans are capable to hear the voices of angels.  Or, even the voices of their departed ones.  How these angels, or the departed spirits, are always wanting to communicate, all the time, for good purpose.  How they want to pass on messages so that lives can be easier. Angels are always around.  They love humans and are ever so ready to help at any moment.  They will not let their voices heard unless we are ready for it.  It has to do with humans' free will - they wait for humans to ask for help. The problem for not hearing their voices lies with the humans' minds.  Should the mind does not want to hear it, out of fear or scepticism, the angelic voices shall not be heard.   Should the mind is too busy and not silenced enough, their voices cannot be heard too.  Angels speak to those who want to hear them and those who silence their minds long enough to hear. It is also important that I open my heart.  When I quiet...

Mind And Soul Alignment

How conscious am I whenever I say something?  Do I verbalize because I want to be heard?  Do I express what I truly mean?  Do I voice out and communicate or do I criticize?  Do I speak to gain popularity? I should not be saying one thing and do something else.  I should not take my words lightly.  I am responsible for what I say.  There have to be an essence of respect and meaning.  What I say create subtle ripple effects.  They create waves, the chain reactions, and have impact on well being. I have to align my mind and soul to stay true to my Self.  I should not say 'Oh, today is a good day for a good day' and complain all throughout the 'good day'.  Or, 'I promise that I will be there' and not honouring it when the time comes.  Or 'I am sorry' and yet keep hurting. Whatever I say, I have to mean it.  I should not break my own rules.  When I say one thing and do another, I live in contradiction - which is as good as...

Inward Harmony

Serenity is earned when there is harmony.  Where the mind and the soul meet on an agreement to be together and to get along well.  Where there is oneness to work in partnership towards one common goal.  Where the choice to accept all aspects of 'me' to become a 'we' to create a beautiful energy. Harmony helps to ground me.  It is a wonderful emotion in life.  It makes me to feel love and joyful.  It allows me to be in a safe bubble in a world that is constantly in flux.    I have to embrace a state of inward harmony with myself.  When I am able to have it, I shall feel the flow of love and connectedness through my heart, body and soul.  My mind shall bring the fresh presence of divinity to wherever I go and to whomever I come in contact with. When I experience inwardly the harmony within me, I get to choose how I feel.  I get to inspire how to live my days.  I get to celebrate and enjoy the positive internal communication....

How Respectful Am I?

How much do I appreciate on all the things that life offers me?  How much do I take note of their contributions and values?  Just because they do not have a voice, to speak to me, that I disregard their importance? My life is surrounded with many tangible and intangible inanimate objects.  From the house that shelters me, the bed that gives me a good sleep, the water tank heater to give me a warm bath to the kitchen utensils.  And, there are many many more.  Each one of them serves a purpose and more.  Each one of them makes me to live in comfort. Obviously, I have to say thank you to them.  I have to show appreciation to these objects.  They have come into my life.  Many are brought into my house.  They have become part of me.   On most days, I need them.  I have to make sure that every items count.  I have to be respectful since I brought them into the house.  I should not just chuck them aside. On the bigger s...

Be Better

As there is a divine light within me, can I live not to be myself but someone better?  Someone nicer?  Someone who can be kind, sympathetic and understand empathy?  Can I be more than a thinking person and a true human being with a pure soul?  A human that is being tasked to be on Mother Earth to transcend his highest good? I have to nurture my desire to have more self kindness and self compassion.  When these are ingrained in all the cells in my body, I shall be equipped to live a good life.  They have to grow in my mental mind, physical mind, emotional mind and spiritual mind.  They have to be like the air that I breathe that sustain my ways of life. A good life gives my life a deeper sense of meaning.  It may even help to improve myself with a better insight towards the purpose of my earthly existence.  It makes me to connect with the divinity within to preserve humanity and mother nature. I have to be natural to make positive impacts to e...

Being Me, Being Human

At the heart of my human experience, life is always offering alternatives.  There are various schools of thoughts that generate opportunities and offer guidelines as how I can live.   Being a human with all the universal abundances available, I have to cultivate an optimistic mind.  I need to widen my imagination and dare to believe that I can make things possible. Every human is beautiful.  Each human being is unique. Every human has to find his/her self identity.  Each human has to build his/her sense of self.  Every human has to discover and create the 'Self' that shall be true to his/her being. To maximize my human existence, I have to get acquainted with my soul.  My soul is who I am.  The function of my body and mind is only use to experience who I am.  To find my identity, I have to realize my life purpose and live it.   It is important that I am passionately in love with the purpose and not to lose it.  To lose my ...

Sometimes Later Becomes Never

Procrastination is one bad habit.  It is an action that can have negative effects in life.  The effects of procrastination may not seem all that bad at first, but over time, those effects can lead to anxiety, broken dreams and stress. I have to avoid saying 'Oh, I will do it later'.  Because, this 'later' might end up to be never.  When I keep using such an excuse, it will become a habit eventually.  The mind loves habits.  Should I am making an excuse to delay the action, I have to know why am I doing so? Knowing the reasons why I am procrastinating over a task will give me an insight about what I want to own in life.  It will prompt me to weigh the pros and cons.  It will make me to be more aware on the consequences and its impact.  It gives me the choice and opens the realization. But, of things that are important to me, I have to give them immediate attention.  What I do today will improve all my tomorrow.  Whatever I do right n...

The Best I Can

Life is such that there is always a placing for everything.  There is the first place, the second, the third and so on.  There is the champion, the gold, the silver and the bronze.  There is the chairman, chief executive and all others. For whatever the reasons, with such placings in life, I should not put myself in the race all the time.  To win is good but winning is not everything.  The key is not to win at all costs but it is the will to prepare to win that is important. I am not obligated to win.  I am obligated to keep trying and to do the best I can do everyday.  Whether I get to be in the first place or the last, I have to be proud that I have tried.  That, I try to do the right thing.  Winning does not always mean being first. In life, it is how I conduct myself that matters.  Yes, the goal is to win and succeed.  But, the ultimate aim is to engage myself with the experience.  That, I am taking chances at everything po...

Kindness Is A Choice

Kindness is a gift that everyone can afford to give.  It is the simple quality of being friendly, generous and considerate.  To be kind is more than being 'nice'.  Kindness is an act rooted in empathy and acceptance.   There is no price tag to it.  In fact, the more I can give it, the more is the reward.  There should not be any reasons why I have to be kind to others.  When I can be kind to others, it not only changes me, it changes the world around me too. Kindness is the energy of the Divine.  It is, and always will be, an act of love in action.  Kindness improves quality of life.  It can bring my soul closer to another.  With kindness, it elevates the soul vibrations.  Kindness can make a bad day good and a good day better. I have to cultivate this energy.  I have to instil it in my thoughts, my words, my deeds and my actions.  I have to remind myself that the act of kindness is why I am here on Earth.  It is...

Every Effort Counts

Every day is a new beginning.  Each day can bring a lot of promise.  There are tiny miracles in each new day.  It is how I see them.  It is how I present the perspective.  Every single effort is changing my body from the inside. Yesterday has left me and I have to look forward to move on.  It is good that I take stock of what I have left behind and then look ahead.  A new opportunity means a fresh start with all the wonderful possibilities. When I greet a day with an open heart, I am telling my mind a chance for new opportunities.  That all the efforts that I put on today will create for better tomorrow.  When tomorrow comes, it will be another new day with new beginning.  And, I have to continue to greet it with another open heart.  Little by little, a little becomes a lot. When I let the cycle go on, day after day, I honour to live in the moment.  Living in the present moment means that I am living my life consciously.  ...

Behind Everything That Is Happening

Do I accept life as it is?  Or, do I dictate the stories of life with 'What if' and 'what it should be'?  Do I doubt everything that is happening?  Do I often think that there is always something else, something better?  And, can I be satisfied with what is presented to me? Can I accept that everything happens for love?  That, there is good reason to why things happen the way they are?  Behind everything that is happening is seeking for my gratitude.  Behind all that is happening is God's plan to make me feel safe, though my mind may think otherwise.  Everything that is happening is a catalyst for the next big good thing. Fighting with the intellect will not help me to accept life as it is.  The ability to understand is far beyond any intelligence.  My intellect does not know much of the truth.  I have to accept the intellect is ego driven.  It thinks it knows better and more.  What it does not know is the poor translation...

The Most Powerful Tool

The mirror is a powerful tool.  It is also a very useful tool for self reflection.  The mirror, hopefully, would be able to let me see my identity and more.  I have to allow it to provide clarity to understand myself. I have to stare hard at my reflection.  And, I must have the willingness to look further within.  When I engage in self reflection, I am making a conscious effort to know 'who am I?'.  It shall be an exercise to better understand myself, to be able to define who I want to be and to set myself on the path to infinite potential. It is solely my duty to decide whether I want to see the real me in front of the mirror.  It is said that I can learn from reflecting.  When I see myself in the mirror, what do I notice?  What do I see?  What do I learn?  Will there be something that I want to change, to improve? At the same time, I have to look inside my mind when looking into the mirror.  The more that I see and the more I...

Am I The Only One?

Constantly as I am telling myself not to judge, there is always a tiny part in my brain that continues to do so.  There is always something that the mind needs to justify, as though that I am perfect.  As though that I do not make mistakes but others do.  As though that I live in a world of mindfulness and not others. My mind is wired to store information and all my experiences.  With all the stored information and experiences, my mind uses them to form expectation.  Judgements are expectations.  Should I want to minimize my judgemental mind, I have to continue to clean my storage bank of information and experiences. When I judge others, what does it say about me?  Obviously I am a self righteous, self justifying human being.  Clearly, my mind creates a hierarchy where I am better and superior than everyone and everything that I meet.  My arrogance has the urge to be right, to be better and to be superior. I wonder how much does my soul can t...

Is It Necessary?

My senses generate thousands and thousands of thoughts.  The brain is one busy organ and my mind formulates thoughts from all the five basic senses.  Should I don't learn to calm myself, these huge amounts of thoughts can trigger stress.  They can create havoc to my well being. Ideally, I have to live with what suits me best.  I have to empower my dominant thought.  I need to know what motivate me and abandon those that do not.  Dominant thoughts are the ones that shape my life the most.  Positive thoughts will make me positive and when I have dominant negative thoughts, I will be negative. With such a busy mind, I have to guard my mouth.  It is a little co-operation mechanism with my brain.  My mouth needs to know what is good, what is important, what is rationale and what is wise.   I have to ask myself before I speak - is it necessary to vocalize the unnecessary remarks?  Is it necessary to have the final word?  Is it necess...

Beautiful Human

While I cannot be one hundred percent perfect, I can aim to be a beautiful human instead.  To do that, I have to be aware of how I think and how I behave.  I have to hear how I speak.  I have to observe how I act.  I need to be conscious of all my words, thoughts, deeds and actions. Do I know how am I as a person?  Consistently, I have to check if it is my arrogance speaking to me whenever I am interacting with others.  When I think intellect counts, do I know that the functions of intellect can be insufficient without compassion, empathy and love? To be a beautiful human, I have to be aware of my negative feelings.  When they are creeping upon me, do I recognise the danger of feeding those feelings and keeping them alive?  A beautiful human is a moral BEing that strives for harmony and upholds to that value. A beautiful human accepts people as they are.  Do I?  There is no judgement on colours, background, race or religion.  Am I?...

Heart To Heart

A loving relationship is heavenly.  It is where two or more people, or groups or things, are connected.  It is a bond that grows on basic principles and made rich by values like care, honesty, kindness, respect and support. Building a loving relationship takes effort.  It requires a deep sense of understanding and a heightened consciousness of letting the souls to connect.  It practices heart to heart conversation to increase closeness.  It inspires the minds, the souls and grounds the relationships. A heart to heart talk is not about who is better or smarter or who controls who.  When I want to engage heart to heart talk, I have to leave my ego aside.  I should not engage the talk with a mindset that I am more educated and with an inflated feeling that I have more experience.  It should not involve purposeful humiliation or to run another person under the bus.   Heart to heart talk is a deep communication for a more meaningful life.  Wh...

Stand By My Words

I have to stand by behind my words.  These words are what made me.  They become the foundation and the pillars of my life.  They form the colours of my aura and shape its auric fields.  They are the sounding board for the Universe to manifest my intention. When I promise to help someone, I have to stand by that commitment.  When I say that I will do (a task), I have to bring it to completion.  When I tell myself to change, I should honour and effect it.  I have to live up and do as I said I would.  I cannot be saying one thing and do the opposite.  Keeping these intentions and be consistent to carry them out create integrity. At the same time, it is super super important that I hear how I say my words.  What I say and how I say them will cause the results.  It is the combined articulation of words and sounds that put things in perspective.  Together, they can divide or unite.  Or they can hurt or heal. Words are vehicles t...

Dealing With Choices

The Universe is in full abundance.  With its vastness, so is life.  When I look at every available opportunities, indeed that life is full of choices.  Where I am today is the direct result of the choices I have made up to this point in my life.  All the choices have come together to create the person I am today and the life I live. Choice is an energy of free will.  With all the available resources on Mother Earth, the freedom to choose allows humans to be what they want to be.  The gift to choose shapes lives exactly how humans wish.  Choice is a piece of a puzzle that fits the whole picture.  Every piece counts. I have to be conscious of my choices.  Everything that happens to me is a result of these choices.  In return, these choices will impact my life tomorrow.  It will do me good should I am able to weigh the benefits.  The choices I make must give me happiness and peace.  They have to be important and they carry va...